Tofu with miso maple ginger sauce -Hive top chef

For this week on Hive top chef we have been given the theme of signature dish.


When I hear the words, signature dish, the first thing comes to mind is a dish created by a well known chef or particular restaurant. It seems to be a grey area, in that regions around the world and cultures also have what could be called signature dishes.

Since I eat only plant based/vegan, I will say that tofu is a signature of vegan food. If a meat eater would pick something that vegans eat, I think many would say tofu. This tofu dish that I prepared will have an Asiatic theme.


There are always people that say they hate tofu, even vegans that I know. They say it has no taste. Yes it can be very true, which is why I marinate it for a while. This time I marinated it by cooking in the marinate until the liquid absorbs. For the marinade I used a mix of vegetable broth to cover the tofu, a splash of soy sauce, chili powder and onion powder. The sauce later will add to the flavor of the dish.


Tofu with miso maple ginger sauce

1 brick firm tofu
2 small bok choy bunches
1/cup chopped onion
1 small potato
1 cup edamame puree
1cup carrot mash

For the edamame puree, I boiled the beans then blended adding enough vegetable broth to move the beans in the blender, 1 teaspoon sesame paste, juice of half a lemon and a pinch of salt. For the carrot mash I just added enough vegetable broth to mash it. It was from one carrot that was first boiled.

1 tablespoon miso paste
1 teaspoon sesame oil
3 tablespoons mirin
4 tablespoons maple syrup
1/4 cup water
1 shallot minced
3 cloves garlic minced
2 tablespoons minced ginger

Saute the ginger, garlic and shallot than add the rest of the liquid ingredients. simmer to reduce until thickened. blend then strain out bits.

For the garnish I made strips of potato and fried until crispy.


After the liquid from the tofu is absorbed, remove tofu from the pan. Clean the pan and add oil to cook the onion and bok choy.


Don't cook for more than a minute before adding the tofu back to heat up.


First I plated the bok choy then add a slice of tofu, then a layer of carrot mash then another slice of tofu. Repeat with the second last thing being edamame puree. Top with potato strings.


You could also just plate each item side by side and pour the sauce over top.



I decided to stack it to try and create my idea of a signature dish.



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