Shredded Tuna Recipe


Hello everyone!
The theme of the Hive Top achef by @qurator contest this time is 'Tuna'. Incidentally, tuna is my favorite food, especially if it is made sashimi or sushi (Japanese food). Just imagining it makes my mouth watering lol

But, I'm afraid to process sushi at home (because sushi must be processed properly, otherwise it will be dangerous and cause stomach upset by salmonella bacteria), so I have an idea to process sushi with local wisdom, namely making shredded tuna.

Shredded tuna this time is very simple, easy and cheap. Interested in trying? Let's look at the following recipe. #HiveTopChef


  • 300 gr Tuna
  • 100 gr red chili
  • 4 cloves of red onion
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • Kandis acid
  • Lemongrass
  • Ginger
  • Turmeric
  • Galangal
  • Candlenut
  • Lime leaves
  • Tamarind
  • Water


How to Cooking Shredded Tuna:

  • Wash the tuna, then steam until cooked. Wait until cool then shred.
  • Puree the ingredients (red chilies, shallots, garlic, ginger, lemongrass, turmeric and candlenut). For this part, the ingredients must be really smooth.



  • Fry the ground ingredients with oil in a wok pan over medium heat.


  • Then, add the lime leaves, tamarind, kandis acid and a little water. Stir fry.


  • Enter the tuna that has been shredded previously, stir until blended with the spices.



  • Cook until dry. So that shredded tuna can last a long time, it can even last if stored in the refrigerator.
  • Serve shredded tuna with warm rice.


Simple isn't it?

Interested in trying?
Comment below yes!

See you in the next one.

Editing by: Lighroom by Iphone 11

About Author

Annyeong yorobun! Welcome to wita’s corner. Author is a full time housewife who loves to eat while writing. Enthusiasm to gardening and cooking. Like the exploration of new things and have many dream is unlimited. Always vote and give suggestions to advance this author.

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