Sweet Traditional Dessert ~ Bubur Som Som

Hello Hiveans! I suddenly have got this craving for Bubur Som Som that I always ate during my childhood time. My late mother will make it each time during our birthday. So let's make this traditional Malay dessert Bubur Som Som that was inherited from generations. This recipe is easy just that you must have a steamer to do this dessert. There are 3 parts to this dessert, the sago base, the rice flour base and finally the palm sugar water.

Bubur Som Som


My tea time with Bubur Som Som

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The full Ingredients


Ingredients for Sago

1 cup sago
3 cups water
Green food coloring

Methods for Sago

1. Boil water until boiling. Then add the green food coloring. Mix well.


2. Add the sago to the boiling water. Stir until thick. Remove from fire.


3. Pour the sago into a small container. Steam for 15 minutes until sago becomes transparent which means they are ready. Set aside. Now we start to make Som Som.


Ingredients for Som Som

½ cup of rice flour
4 cups coconut milk
1 teaspoon salt


Method for Som Som

1. Combine all ingredients in a saucepan.

Stir and cook until thick and simmer over medium heat. Make sure it is always stirred to avoid lumps.


2. Pour the starch mixture over the sago. Refrigerate.


Ingredients for Palm Sugar Water. Finally, the last part is to make this palm sugar water.

1 ½ cup of water
4 pieces of Melaka sugar
¼ cup of granulated sugar


Method for Palm Sugar Water

1. Combine all ingredients and cook over medium heat until boiling.


2. Strain and refrigerate until cold.


How to eat Bubur Som Som

Pour the palm sugar water over Bubur Som Som when you want to enjoy it.

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Look at that soft beautiful texture

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Yours truly,


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