The bonds which influence us most

Two days have passed to polls. Results are coming with allegations of rigging and vile acts. I was observing them through mainstream and social media . Some democratic and undemocratic forces have made this election controversial as well. Political polarisation has aggravated further. There is no way looking towards mediation. And in all this tumult i wanted to relax my mind anf bifurcate from the current situation so i opened up ecency to write up.

For me writing is an easy way to relax mind . I placate me by playing with words but what to write? Mind is fed with political terminolgies and thoughts and bursting up same in blog will not assuage me so there is need to take complete diversion.

So i just started looking at floor on ceiling. I was linking one thought to other to find something to write in and finally found a topic i.e how do our early key bonds(teachers,parents,friends) affect our lives.


Life is name of diversity and interactions. Throughout our life, we need other people in our lives. We interact with people,forge bonds and enhance cooperation and communication. In the interdependent cycle of life we need many crucial members who play keyful role in our lives and among them most prominent are teachers, parents and friends. Though wife and kids also impart great impact in our lives but in initial lives when we build our career and life , we interact with bonds mostly which are mentioned former.

Teachers, parents, and friends have a profound effect on our lives. It will not be wrong to say that these are the masterminds of our lives and we craft our lives depending on these bonds.


Let's start with teachers. They're like glittering stars, enlight our path to knowledge and ultimately to success. They teach us valuable lessons. They inspire us to reach for the stars and shape our minds. They believe in our potential and encourage us to believe in ourselves. They are one one who show us path and don’t grudge on the success of their pupils. They try to make their students achieve what they can’t. They are just like candle who illuminates the path of their student.

But meanwhile they are those nefarious goons as well who are exploiting their reverent profession. They negatively impact on their students by discouraging them, misguiding them and torturing them mentally and physically.

Now, let's talk about parents. They're like superheroes, always there to support and protect us. They teach us life skills, instill important values, and provide a nurturing environment. Their love and guidance shape our character and help us navigate through life's challenges. They're our biggest cheerleaders, celebrating our successes and providing a shoulder to lean on during tough times.They invest their money, their time and their intellect to flourish us. They always look for each opportunity to sacri themselves for their kids. They teach their kids. They protect them. They educate them.

But sometimes over expectations of parents also make their kids mentally disturbed. Through comparison , they degrade and discourage their kids . They destroy their morals by asking them to do what their kids can’t. And in this way in some cases life of a kid is destroyed by their own parents.

And how can we forget friends? They're like the sunshine on a dark cloudy day, bringing joy and laughter into our lives. They understand us, accept us for who we are, and stand by us through thick and thin. Friends provide a sense of belonging, support our dreams, and help us grow as individuals. They add color and excitement to our journey.They give us indefinite proportion of titter.

But sometimes we get betrayal from friends as well. Those whom we call friends, prove as lethal as snake. The bad company destroys our moral and character. A bad friend never lets you accomplish what you should.

Conclusively, together teachers, parents, and friends create a strong support system that shapes our identity, values, and aspirations. They influence our choices, inspire us to aim higher, and provide a network of love and support. We are lucky if we get good guidance,healthy suggestions and stalwart support and confidence from these bonds but if we are unable to do so then we are very unlucky
So, let's cherish these incredible individuals who play such a significant role in our lives! Lets show them love if they are giving you good vibes.

Thank you!

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