It Happened, And We Move On..

Feeling crazy sometimes it's better than scattered thoughts and it feels more difficult when it comes to the matter of relationships.

I do believe everyone at some point has gotten their share of disappointment that leads to a confused mind. Had a long stare with a friend today who could barely talk without choking on tears, by the time he was calm, he tried talking about but it all felt like a dumb man. He found difficulty in speaking out his feelings, just like not knowing where to even begin. At last, he stood up and left.

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I got his messages when I arrived home. He felt much better in typing than speaking. For a hustling young man who’s responsible for his immediate family, his partner and himself…sometimes offers help to those around him, He isn't worth the pain of being dumped after pulling her through school till she graduated.

I would be wrong to say I felt his pain, but honestly, I was pained in my way. His girl was an investment, I mean sending someone through school in a country as mine isn't easy. I've heard stories like these but never knew a person close by who had an experience until this day.

I'm still affected by the sudden outburst but am glad his partner walked away before they tied the knot. I've always believed in honesty when the relationship is involved, she was honest enough to be truthful., hmm, that's what I concluded. I'd rather prefer these than pretense, that hurts more.
My only concern is being speechless for a matter such as this. As someone who hasn't experienced such gravity of pain, betrayal, helplessness… Oh! name it all.

All I know is that life must move on irrespective of the circumstances and that I hope for my friend to heal and move on because, in the end, the good ones will always reap from the good ground.

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