(eng/esp)Our feelings comes with our opinion/ Nuestros sentimientos vienen con nuestra opini贸n


When we talk about our feelings we are referring it to how we feel and how we react to things that concerned us. When you talk about expressing your feelings outside the public you classify yourself on how will your opinion present your feelings, how will your opinion bring a sensible thought about what you want to present and how you feel that what you want to present will be legible and sensible for the public to listen and how they will feel when you are presenting.

I will tell you about a short story that happens way back. It was related to this topic I am writing about. This happens in school, a lecturer gave a topic to present and gave us a week to go through the topic and share our opinion on the topic. The topic was confusing and have some strategy to present to your understanding and how we could present to the lecturer. My course mate and I decided to do the work together but present it by ourselves, though it was a group work but we need to bring our opinion to make the presentation to be successful and interesting to listening.

So, I and my course mate went back home to think and have opinion of what we could present the next day. Opinion came in especially when we came together and share our opinion and feel how the opinion could be present to the public. It went well and the lecturer was amazed about it. Let talk about the topic; opinion and feelings.

Feelings have is part on humans especially when opinion is attached to it. Have you ask your self how can we provide opinion to people. Opinion matters when we feel the impact of thought that lead into our health, Especially given a positive opinion matters a lot and how can your opinion brings good thought to people who feel that your thought has positive impact to their suggestions.

My understanding about opinion and feelings how they are connected to each other and aspect of human thought that shape their perception that influence that knowledge of how things are work out and how their knowledge could understand their feelings and emotion, these have a impact of humans. Checking about the previous story I wrote about this lead to my understanding about opinion and feelings coming together to give out positive thoughts.

I will describe another way on how opinion and feelings attract social norms; if we belong to a particular social group or culture, we may have a biased opinion about certain issues or people that are different from our own tribe and culture, this can also be our different thought, different feelings and how we see things in our own perspective, our opinion and feelings are associated with what I have mentioned so far, and what I have also understand about our opinion and feelings is that, they play a vital role in our lives and shape our attitude towards our decision.

On the other hand, our feelings are often conveyed through emotive language that expresses our emotional response to something that involved saying out our opinion when matters is necessary.

In this little of my understanding I could see how opinion and feelings comes together.

Thanks for reading and please drop a comment if necessary.馃槉馃槉馃槉


Cuando hablamos de nuestros sentimientos nos referimos a c贸mo nos sentimos y c贸mo reaccionamos ante las cosas que nos preocupan. Cuando hablas de expresar tus sentimientos al p煤blico, te clasificas a ti mismo en c贸mo tu opini贸n presentar谩 tus sentimientos, c贸mo tu opini贸n aportar谩 un pensamiento sensato sobre lo que quieres presentar y c贸mo sientes que lo que quieres presentar ser谩 legible y sensato para que el p煤blico escuche y c贸mo se sentir谩 cuando lo est茅s presentando.

Les contar茅 una an茅cdota de hace mucho tiempo. Est谩 relacionada con este tema sobre el que estoy escribiendo. Sucedi贸 en la escuela, un profesor nos dio un tema para presentar y nos dio una semana para repasar el tema y compartir nuestra opini贸n sobre el tema. El tema era confuso y tener alguna estrategia para presentar a su comprensi贸n y c贸mo podr铆amos presentar al conferenciante. Mi compa帽era de curso y yo decidimos hacer el trabajo juntas pero presentarlo solas, aunque era un trabajo en grupo pero ten铆amos que aportar nuestra opini贸n para que la presentaci贸n tuviera 茅xito y resultara interesante para los oyentes.

As铆 que mi compa帽era y yo volvimos a casa para pensar qu茅 podr铆amos presentar al d铆a siguiente. La opini贸n surgi贸 sobre todo cuando nos reunimos y compartimos nuestra opini贸n y sentimos c贸mo podr铆amos presentarla al p煤blico. Sali贸 bien y el profesor se qued贸 asombrado. Hablemos del tema: opini贸n y sentimientos.

Los sentimientos forman parte del ser humano, sobre todo cuando van unidos a una opini贸n. 驴Te has preguntado c贸mo podemos dar nuestra opini贸n a la gente? La opini贸n es importante cuando sentimos el impacto del pensamiento que nos lleva a nuestra salud, especialmente cuando se da una opini贸n positiva que importa mucho y c贸mo puede tu opini贸n traer buenos pensamientos a la gente que siente que tu pensamiento tiene un impacto positivo en sus sugerencias.

Mi comprensi贸n acerca de la opini贸n y los sentimientos de c贸mo est谩n conectados entre s铆 y el aspecto del pensamiento humano que dan forma a su percepci贸n que influyen en que el conocimiento de c贸mo funcionan las cosas y c贸mo su conocimiento podr铆a entender sus sentimientos y emociones, estos tienen un impacto de los seres humanos. Revisando la historia anterior que escrib铆 sobre esto me llev贸 a mi comprensi贸n acerca de la opini贸n y los sentimientos que se unen para dar pensamientos positivos.

Si pertenecemos a un determinado grupo social o cultura, podemos tener una opini贸n sesgada sobre ciertos temas o personas que son diferentes de nuestra propia tribu y cultura, esto tambi茅n puede ser nuestro pensamiento diferente, sentimientos diferentes y c贸mo vemos las cosas en nuestra propia perspectiva, nuestra opini贸n y sentimientos est谩n asociados con lo que he mencionado hasta ahora, y lo que tambi茅n he entendido acerca de nuestra opini贸n y sentimientos es que, juegan un papel vital en nuestras vidas y dan forma a nuestra actitud hacia nuestra decisi贸n.

Por otra parte, nuestros sentimientos se transmiten a menudo a trav茅s del lenguaje emotivo que expresa nuestra respuesta emocional a algo que implica decir nuestra opini贸n cuando es necesario.

En este peque帽o resumen he podido ver c贸mo la opini贸n y los sentimientos van de la mano.

Gracias por leer y por favor deje un comentario si es necesario.馃槉馃槉馃槉

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