
Elisa ventur

Hi everyone, Welcome to my blog. I will be writing on stress and how bad it can get in different aspects.

As we all know, not only when you overwork yourself do you get stressed; there is also emotional stress, and that kind of stress can get all your body systems so weak that it will just make you moody.
Whenever I'm physically stressed, all I have to do is rest, and I will get myself back. But whenever I'm emotionally stressed, it always seems as if the world wants to come to an end, because at that point, everything I do will look as if I'm just wasting my time.

I once had a friend who was always stressed. I can't really say what gets her worked up, but anytime she's like that, her body temperature rises just like that, and she develops a strong headache due to emotional and physical stress joined together. It gets to the point that she will have to pour water on her head to calm it down. This kind of stress is very dangerous because thinking can stress you to the point of stressing your system to the point of breaking you down totally.

What I tell people is this: whenever you feel that kind of stress that can get you worked up wants to come up, just move outside, get some fresh air, go to a crowd of people and engage in their discussion, just distract yourself from that thought, because if you just sit and allow it to come, anything and everything anyone does or says will get you really pissed off, and it can also make you say something bad to people you are not supposed to say it to, then it puts you into another trouble and that is another stress to deal with again. And another thing that can get one stressed is when you are trying to work on something but it doesn't seem to be coming through. My advice on this one is to just leave that thing first, if possible, and go to sleep, and then when you wake up, try it again. If it is still not working, let it be, and you will be fine.

Being stressed, especially emotionally, is not something to be proud of because it creates havoc that you can't even manage. So whenever I feel that kind of stress wanting to take over me, I do away with the person or thing that wants to cause it and focus on something that makes me happy so that it can be averted.

Thanks for reading, See you in my next postπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

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