I am of light and grace🔮🪄

There are days when all seems so dark and weary . When l question my purpose in life. My decisions and my future.

Looking back and seeing my achievements gives me hope for a better day. Things will get better eventually because as the day comes so does night. But do the terrors of the night stand the light and grace of the day.

Does the loneliness and the pain l feel make me less human? No it does not because no matter what happens and painful it might be, the storm might crush me but l am built for the storm. I trap on knowing the storm will pass.

I am not scared of the unknown of my tomorrow instead l look forward to it knowing there is hope in the unknown even though l don’t feel so optimistic at the moment but deep in me l know l am bright and worth the day.

The light and grace of the day is mine.

How do l stop my heart and mind from racing these emotions at once feeling sad, failing and alone but deep down feeling exalted, hopefully and excited for the future. Embrace your feelings they say! it will get better. I know it to be true my mindset determines my future, my present and my now.

So No Devil not this time not today l stand victorious because l am victorious and blessed and surely l am light.

Whatever may fall before me, be it be day or night l will go deep down my heart and retrieve the hopefully emotions that l know to be true of myself because that's who l am.

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