Ilusión y Decepción por una mala decisión… [esp-eng]


Aunque parezca un verso el titulo de este post, es el significado puro de lo que esta pasando mi familia. Y hoy quiero contarles algo que me tiene bien triste a mi, porque sea como sea, es mi familia, y me encantaria que todo fuese diferente

Although the title of this post may seem like a verse, it is the pure meaning of what my family is going through. And today I want to tell you something that makes me very sad, because no matter what, it is my family, and I would love for everything to be different.


Hoy quiero hablarles de mi abuela materna, quien hoy en dia en una inmigrante mas, de esos que no vieron la luz al final del tunel estando aca en su pais, y yo no voy a juzgarla en su totalidad, solo voy a desahogarme un poco porque en el fondo siento que no tendria porque estar viviendo todo eso

Today I want to talk to you about my maternal grandmother, who today is just another immigrant, one of those who did not see the light at the end of the tunnel here in her country, and I am not going to judge her as a whole, I am just going to vent a little because deep down I feel that I should not have to be living all that.


A principio de año despues de miles de maravillas que le pintaron unos amigos a mi abuela sobre perú, a mi abuela se le metió en la cabeza irse junto a mi tia y sus dos hijos, y de ahi no hubo quien la sacara!! ella vive en una casa enorme, algo retirada de la ciudad, pero su casa al fin, tenia un negocio de empanadas y este con la pandemia murió y con el sus ganas de hacer cualquier otra cosa aca, ella no veia luz, a todo le sacaba un pero y mientras se llenaba de ilusion con lo que podia vivir en perú, por todas las maravillas que le pintaron, mas se convencía hasta de vender la casa, afortunadamente no consiguió comprador

At the beginning of the year, after thousands of wonderful things that some friends told my grandmother about Peru, my grandmother got it into her head to go with my aunt and her two children, and from there no one could get her out! She lives in a huge house, a little far from the city, but her house at last, she had a business of empanadas and this with the pandemic died and with it her desire to do anything else here, she did not see light, to everything she took a but and while she was filled with illusion with what she could live in peru, for all the wonders that were painted to her, the more she was convinced to sell the house, fortunately she did not get a buyer.



Pero si vendió su camioneta, esa que era como ver a mi abuelo, su alma gemela jeje toda la toscana (asi se llema el pueblo donde vivian) al ver la camioneta decian ahi va caiman que es como le decian a mi abuelo, con mucha tristeza la vendio, por suerte digamos que quedo cerca jeje, mi hermano la compró, pero al final ps para hacer el cuento largo corto, ella vendio lo que pudo y se fue, bañada en lagrimas, pero ilusionada con que llegaria directo a trabajar😞😔

But he did sell his truck, the one that was like seeing my grandfather, his soul mate hehe all the people of Tuscany (that's the name of the town where they lived) when they saw the truck they said ahi va caiman that's how they called my grandfather, he sold it with a lot of sadness, luckily let's say it was close by hehe, my brother bought it, but in the end ps to make a long story short, she sold what she could and left, bathed in tears, but hopeful that she would get straight to work😞😔.


Foto tomada con mi redmi 9

Pues resulta que despues de llegar al destino, las personas que la habian ilusionado tanto, quienes ella llamaba "un hijo mas" le dice que ellos vendieron el carrito de perros donde ella pensaba llegar trabajando, para mi abuela 👵 aquello fue un baño de agua fria y de ahi en adelante comenzo el sufrimiento, donde pasaban los dias y solo gastaban lo poco que se llevaron, hasta que despues de 1 mes decidieron regresar, pero no a su pais, donde quizas podrian tener aun algo de dinero e invertir en su negocio, no, decidieron ahora quedarse en colombia, una "muy amiga" de ella le prometio empleo y estadía

Well it turns out that after arriving at the destination, the people who had given her so much hope, who she called "one more son" told her that they sold the dog cart where she thought she was going to work, for my grandmother 👵 that was a cold water bath and from then on the suffering began, where the days passed and they only spent the little they took, until after 1 month they decided to return, but not to their country, where maybe they could still have some money and invest in their business, no, now they decided to stay in Colombia, a "very good friend" of hers promised her a job and a place to stay.


Con el paso de los dias las diferencias entre todos se iban haciendo notar, hasta que un dia todo colapsó y llegó la decepcion de que tampoco ahi las cosas eran como la pintaban, comenzaba el arrepentimiento y el "si yo hubiera hecho…" pero ya era algo tarde no? Pues todo lo que tenian habia quedado en pasajes de aqui y de alla! Quedando totalmente sin nada de ahorros, dependiendo del sueldo de el pais vecino que solo les da para pagar los servicios, mi abuela no para de lamentarse y de arrepentirse, y ahora solo desea que la ayuden con los pasajes para regresar

With the passing of the days the differences between all of them were becoming noticeable, until one day everything collapsed and the disappointment that even there things were not as they were painted, the regret and the "if I had done..." began, but it was already a little late, wasn't it? Well, everything they had had been left in tickets here and there! They were left without any savings, depending on the salary of the neighboring country that only gives them to pay the services, my grandmother does not stop lamenting and regretting, and now just wants to help her with the tickets to return.



Todos pondremos un granito de arena para lograrlo, pues cada dia se sienten peor animicamente y hasta su salud se ve afectada en la actualidad, y realmente todo esto se habria evitado, pero pues de las experiencias se aprende, o al menos asi dicen, porque mi hermana que conoce todo este tema, recientemente se fue a Brasil y esta pasando por algo similar, pero quizas queria tener su propia experiencia 😖😖 de corazon yo solo espero que todos logren la estabilidad que buscan

We all put a grain of sand to achieve this, because every day they feel worse and even their health is affected today, and really all this would have been avoided, but because of the experiences you learn, or at least so they say, because my sister who knows all this issue, recently went to Brazil and is going through something similar, but maybe she wanted to have her own experience 😖😖 from my heart I just hope everyone achieves the stability they are looking for.




Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad.
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