Emotional Baggage? Let's Unpack That.

“Till when will you keep on hurting this guy because of a pain you experienced in the past?” I asked a female friend when she came running to me for advice over something we've discussed regularly today.

“I don't know? One minute I want him and I crave for him but there comes the flashback of all the hurts and heart breaks and I find myself protecting my heart again” she replied moody and confused. “To be honest Marriott, I love this guy but I'm scared” she added.

This singular experience today got me to write this, because I know that most of us out there are in this emotional situation:

Have you ever considered the heavy emotions we carry with us? Those emotions that appear to cling to us like shadows, reminding us of past hurts and sorrows. It's just there it does not want to let go, to let us move on, be loved or love.

It's like having an invisible companion who is constantly present with us, no matter how hard we try to push them away. No matter how hard we try to run from it. No matter how we try to bury it deep, it always reappears, weighing us down with its burden. Like it's always lurking around in the deepest part of ourselves, waiting to manifest, reminding us of how we were hurt in the past.

But why?Why are we still carrying this emotional baggage? Clinging onto it. Why can't we simply let go and move on? Why is It just like we're stuck in a loop?.

Here's the thing: our emotions are like a loyal friend who wants to protect us. Our brains are naturally wired to retain painful memories. They remember every hurt, every betrayal, every sadness we've been through, so we can avoid feeling that pain again. I like to imagine it as a warning signal, reminding us to be cautious.

The problem is that this warning signal can get stuck on repeat, triggering the same painful memories over and over. And before we know it, we're carrying a heavy load of emotional baggage that's dragging us down, weighing us down, and interfering with our relationships, decisions, mental health, and all other aspects of our lives.

Now here is one intriguing part? We don't even realise we're carrying this emotional baggage! Yes, because It's like having an invisible backpack full of heavy rocks, and we're wondering why we're so tired of love, being loved and associated all the time.

So, how should we unpack this heavy rock load? Mind you It's not easy, but it is definitely possible.

Confront your emotions head on. Acknowledge your pain and sadness. You need to grieve to heal. It's like slowly removing those heavy rocks, one by one, and feeling lighter, freer.

Self-compassion is essential. It is about treating oneself with kindness and understanding. It is about acknowledging that we are only human and deserve love and forgiveness.

Talk to people, rely on others for support, sharing your experiences and fears. It's easier to lighten the load when you have people to help, it makes our hearts feel lighter and our burdens bearable.

Honestly, understanding emotional baggage is one soul-deep journey. Our emotions are a strength rather than a weakness. When we accept our emotions and confront our baggage, we can finally begin to let go and live a life full of love and joy.

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