Is help on the way?


This past few days is been my sad moment in life,or will I say for 2years it's has been had,it from one challenges to the other,if it not my school fees it will be my house rent,or probably I need to get my textbook in school.

This past year ,I don't know how God did it for me,cos sincerely I wouldn't know how I will go about it. every day is one problem to be solved,I keep putting myself in debt ordinary am supposed to not venture in those kind of things but at the end I find myself in them.

Money they say is the root of evil but in the actual sense for me is, money solve most of our basic needs. Right now I don't know how to come out from this debt, in the midst of all this crisis's I lost my job and even if you ask me what can be the way forward, sincerely I would I have no idea to go about it,I have tried in no avail to condition my mind that all will be well but in the actual sense it's eating me up in the inside,you see me today am smiling but in the inside am crying,it seems to me my life is in jeopardy,it's like the essence of my living is to suffer,I know you will should be grateful for life.

Yes I trust me am grateful to the lord of life and the opportunity to be alive,am not disputing the fact that God has been wonderful and he did a marvelous work creating my and giving my existence a meaning. I want to really understand why this is happening,this days it's has been hard to feed,I have to bear the pains that Strick's at the upper abdomen,which some will say it could be signs of ulcer,well it's not something I will claim because I believe I don't have it no matter where the pain is coming from.

I need someone to talk too, I need someone to encourage me,my strength is fading away,I want to be told it going to be okay,you bills will be settled....oh! God I.... there are a lot of things I want to say but I believe with this little I have said ,I can feel my shoulder are free now, i feel some sort of relief. please God help me scale through.


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