Happiness The word “Happiness” simply means the state of being happy, which is different for everyone. What makes me happy might not be the same for someone else. It is important not to build one’s happiness based on someone else’s happiness.

I have heard this phrase a lot: “happiness is within you” which basically means one can only be truly happy from within and not from an external source. While this is largely true, I believe there are some external sources that can influence one’s happiness.

Naturally, I am a happy kind of person, ha. Mostly because I put all my worries to God and I barely allow sadness to overwhelm me. However, in the physical aspect, there are some things that make me happy too. Firstly, is my loved ones.

Having my Family and friends make me happy. There is so much joy in knowing that I have people who truly care for me and are rooting for me, people I can run to, and whose presence feels like a true happy home.

Not only do I find happiness in their presence and existence, but I also find happiness in their happiness. Whenever they are happy, I am also happy. Whenever I can put a smile on their faces, I am always happy. In general, putting a smile on anyone’s face makes me happy.

Another thing that gives me happiness is watching a good video, anime, or movie. Many people see this as a waste of time or so, but for me, it is a source of happiness. I am always happy when I am watching a very good video or movie.

Basically, anything entertaining makes me happy. Books (especially fictional ones) make me happy, and small talks make me happy. I enjoy seeing things from someone else’s point of view.

Having my personal space makes me happy. Just me and myself. I am quite a private person—I can be social, but I am also very private. I am always happy with myself without any external distractions or stress. Just watching and doing things I love, like cooking.

Oh yes, Food! Food makes me so happy, to be more precise, snacks or light food that I can keep chewing on without getting my belly full. I am always so happy to snack; you can literally win my heart with food. Also, I’m always happy cooking and trying different recipes I find.

Accomplishing little things makes me so happy. No matter how small, the feeling of fulfillment is so good. I am always so happy when I complete my tasks for the day, or when things go according to plan, when things work out so well for me.

Money makes me happy in diverse ways. Knowing I can get the things I need and be comfortable makes me happy. I am happy to know I have extra cash to fall back on, and I can be of help to people when needed.

Compliment also makes me happy. Unexpected compliments will definitely make my day. Nature makes me happy. There are a lot of things that make me happy, I could go on and on, but these are some of the things that definitely make me happy.

Do you agree with my form of happiness? What are the things that make you happy?

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