Should I tell?

Does feedback matter among Friends?

If you heard a conversation about your friend and it was mostly criticisms, would you tell?

I've heard a lot of stories where it backfired and names were called.

I've thought about it a lot, but if you were in my situation, what would you do?


For me, It's not easy to not tell my friend.

I could choose to though, but I've been in situations where I've been helped by people I'm not very familiar with and this has influenced my attitude towards decisions like this.

Secondly, as a growing Christian, I've asked myself these 3 questions;

  1. Does this attitude show love?
  2. If I was in this situation, what would I want someone to do for me?
  3. How would this person react?

I also believe that it is very important to know the type of person you're relaying some information to. Some people react badly to criticisms.

Besides, if you're friends with someone, you should be able to understand his/her behavior based on past experiences. This should give you a hint on if you should talk or not.

Aditionally, while I might give a hint to my friend, I'd be doing so with Wisdom. I'll do so only if my friend is someone who has control over her mouth, and WITHOUT MENTIONING NAMES!

Finally, it's selfish but my main motivation is my idea that "If I was in his/her shoes, what would I want people to do?"

Yeah, the "do unto others what you want them to do to you" rule

I guess I'm not good at being indifferent, but there's already a lot of people acting that role, so let's just do what the Holy Book (Bible) said

Follow Peace with all men. God bless

PS: Watch out for my next post. Can't wait!

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