Sad- The emotions behind Goodbyes

Goodbyes are one of the hardest things to say in life. It is always hard and painful for the one left behind, the one leaving has the opportunity to meet new people, create more memories while the one left behind is left with a void, trying to get use to the fact that the other person would be gone for a very long time or the person may never return. A popular writer once said airports have seen more sincere kisses than wedding halls.



Recently I had to take some of my friends to the airport and bus stations because they had to go back to their various place of residency, they all came to spend the Christmas holiday with their families and we all had fun but the fun had to end right?. Being their chauffeur wasn’t easy at all, believe me sending off your friends with the thoughts of not seeing them because they are miles and miles away from you is not a good experience.

This picture was taken at the airport when i went to drop my friend Adesuwa

As we achieve certain milestones in life, the nature of our jobs, career paths, education and preferences can throw us anywhere in the world, you would have to leave your family, friends, loved ones and start all over from wherever you find yourself, is this hard? Yes, and no matter how we prepare ourselves for such ventures we will still be overwhelmed regardless.



Leaving your family, friends and loved ones can be hard, going to a new environment, getting use to new people and lifestyles can take a toll on us.

While drafting this in my notepad it struck me so hard, and I had to reflect on life in general and it dawned on me that these are just my friends leaving to study or to search for greener pastures elsewhere and i cannot bring myself to say goodbye to them how much more people who have lost their loved ones in time past how did they feel?



Unlike sending off your friend to another state or country bearing in mind that no matter the distance you would always stay in touch regardless of how painful it may be, just imagine not saying goodbye to a deceased loved one and having no hope of seeing them again.



It gets worse when you are not in good terms with the deceased or didn’t get the needed closure that you wanted before their demise.

My heart goes out to everyone who has lost a loved one and is still struggling to say goodbye and move on, i know it is not easy but i hope you heal completely and move on.



This says a lot about our relationship with people, nobody knows tomorrow so the least we can do for ourselves is to live peaceably with all men, spread as much love as we can, celebrate people when they are alive and let go of whatever grudges you are holding against anyone, get the necessary closure that you need and move on.

Some of the pictures in this post belongs to me and the rest were gotten from pixabay

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Loads of Love🥰🥰

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