Inspiration ||| Just Let That Thoughts Flow, Freely.

Inspiration is anything that can stimulate our emotions to think or creates something creatively. This can sometimes comes from a piece of Arts, people, music or nature. Every great ideas comes from one source of inspiration or another.

My first greatest inspiration are my parents.

They have always encouraged and inspired me to dream and work towards my goals no matter the challenges I face. They support me in all that I do in so many ways, without them I can't say how my story will end.

This morning I was kind of having a little low moment. With all the tasks I have to attend to for the day, my energy wasn't just in the right place. Lucky for me, Dad called just in time and after we talked for a few minutes I felt energized, I felt like I could take any challenges life throws at me for the day. He always has that positive effect on me. For that and for more other reasons I cherish him. Sometimes it could be mom, her soul soothing voice has a way of helping face my problems head high even sometimes without me telling her about the actual problem. Hearing her voice alone can be inspiring.

For my family, I'm always inspired to strive and become a better version of who I was yesterday. To me, they deserve nothing but the best version of me and I will work very hard to see to it. Aside from these there are other ways I kept my fire burning inside.

By Just letting that thoughts flow freely

One of the ways I get creative ideas is by just allowing myself to travel into that zone, voids of distraction, letting my thoughts flow freely about my goals without worrying about the challenges that come with it.

Write them down

Writing down my ideas has been one great way to keep my inspiration alive. One thing about this is the more I write the more I get inspired, energized and accomplished. I have hive to thank for providing a space where I can always share my thoughts and ideas. Even when I'm not sharing them here, I have some Jotters that I usually write down my thoughts on. It is one great way that I communicate with my mind and keep it alive.

The people in my cycles

One way to get inspiration is to keep the right kind of people in our cycle. Positive-minded people and those that align with our life goals. Here on hive I follow and read from people that fall into this category as much as I can and it has helped me to better myself in a lot of ways. Those I follow on Twitter and YouTube are those I look up to for one particular life knowledge or another from which I get inspired to create.
My offline cycle might be very small but they are the quality kind that inspires me a lot.

Be in the moment


In a world full of chaos and distractions, When I let myself to just be present without thinking about the past or worrying about the future, feel the beauty of nature around me, and let their presence bless and nourish my soul, I get inspired.

When I'm upset

This might sound weird or not but when something or someone upset me, and I don't know a better way to react or treat the issue at hand, I channel all the energy into a creative thoughts and some times the result can ends in a great productivity for me.

When we are inspired

When we are inspired, our minds think creatively and powerfully. We can easily achieve our goals, accomplished more, and be happier.

This is my response to the emotional intelligence community, talking about this month's theme "Inspiration" and you are welcome to join in the conversation Here. Thank you so much for visiting and for your support. Cheers!🥂

The Image in this publication is mine edited with Logopitplus mobile app

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