Iniciativa :Mis Sentimientos ante la Comida y el peso // Initiative :My Feelings about Food and Weight

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Un capitulo en mi Vida馃挃

Abrir una pagina de mi Vida, aquel a帽o 2017,a帽o en el cual mirarme en un espejo
Era motivo de Lagrimas, pensamientos dolorosos al mirar mi cuerpo desnutrido,
aquellos huesos marcados en mi rostro, mi cuerpo desgastado

Buscar aquellos registros en mi mente, aquellos d铆as donde maquillarme era doloroso, la imagen de mi que se reflejaba en el espejo hac铆a que me autoestima cayera al suelo lentamente,no aceptaba aquella imagen desfigurada.

El dolor causado en mi coraz贸n al escuchar las cr铆ticas, sin poder dar una respuesta ante tantas interrogantes porque no ten铆a idea c贸mo hab铆a llegado a esa condici贸n.

Mirar ese cap铆tulo y descubrir aquellos Sentimientos en mi vida por la comida y el peso馃憭



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A chapter in my Life馃挃

Open a page of my Life, that year 2017, year in which looking at myself in a mirror
Was cause for Tears, painful thoughts as I looked at my malnourished body, those scarred bones in my face, my worn out body

Searching those records in my mind, those days where putting on make-up was painful, the image of me reflected in the mirror made my self-esteem slowly fall to the ground, I did not accept that disfigured image.

The pain caused in my heart when I heard the criticisms, unable to give an answer to so many questions because I had no idea how I had come to that condition.

Looking at that chapter and discovering those Feelings in my life about food and weight馃憭.

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馃Saludos a todos los lectores de la Comunidad Emotions & Feelings, es un gusto saludarles nuevamente y desearles un d铆a Bendecido

馃El dia de hoy les presento mi entrada a la Iniciativa de nuestra amiga @PurpleGlitter, cuando empeze a leer el post de la inicitiva me interese mucho sobre el tema del sobrepeso, he estado cerca de personas que han sufrido mucho con ese tema en sus vidas, sin embrago mi historia es un poco diferente.

馃Quiero Aprovechar esta oportunidad para compartir con ustedes Todo lo contrario al Sobrepeso, Las p茅rdidas de peso Involuntario que padec铆 en varias 茅pocas de mi vida y todos esos conflictos emocionales que experiment茅 en esos a帽os de mi vida.


propiedad de @elisaday7


propiedad de @elisaday7

馃Greetings to all the readers of the Emotions & Feelings Community, it's a pleasure to greet you again and wish you a Blessed day.

馃Today I present you my entry to the Initiative of our friend @PurpleGlitter, when I started reading the post of the initiative I got very interested in the topic of overweight, I have been close to people who have suffered a lot with that topic in their lives, however my story is a little different.

馃I want to take this opportunity to share with you the opposite of overweight, the involuntary weight loss that I suffered at various times of my life and all those emotional conflicts that I experienced in those years of my life.



Imagen en pixabay de Shutterbug75


馃El aumento de peso es un problema que afecta a muchas personas en el mundo, una condici贸n que afecta la salud y la vida de la persona en muchas 谩reas, detr谩s de todos estos conflictos se esconden muchas realidades Emocionales.

馃La p茅rdida involuntaria de peso es otra condici贸n que afecta a muchas personas y que esconde tambi茅n realidades que no son percibidas a simple vista, conflictos que involucran un estado Mental, compuesto por Emociones que impactan el organismo de la persona llev谩ndola a un estado de salud en decadencia.

馃Al tratarse de vida personal recuerdo que en la 茅poca de mi infancia fui una persona muy delgada algo que para mi fue normal, mi madre siempre exagero en la protecci贸n de sus tres hijas, consentidas por ella com铆amos poco, como dec铆a mi abuela : 篓Estas ni帽as son mala Boca, Comen como pajaritos篓.

馃Mi relaci贸n con la comida en esa 茅poca no fue para nada divertida, de todo me enfermaba,en especial cuando com铆a espaguetis con pollo, traumas que hasta el dia de hoy me afecta, no consumo pollo馃あ

馃Lo peor es que ese tiempo mis compa帽eros de clase se burlaban de m铆, me comparaban con una mu帽eca llamaba betty Espagueti, eso me afectaba pero mi madre me consolaba dici茅ndome que las modelos eran delgadas

馃Para mi adolescencia segu铆 delgadita, en ese tiempo no solo afectaba mi peso lo poco que com铆a, detr谩s de tantos problemas personales se encend铆a La Depresi贸n.

馃Weight gain is a problem that affects many people in the world, a condition that affects the health and life of the person in many areas, behind all these conflicts hide many Emotional realities.

馃Involuntary weight loss is another condition that affects many people and also hides realities that are not perceived with the naked eye, conflicts that involve a Mental state, composed of Emotions that impact the person's organism leading to a state of declining health.

馃My mother always exaggerated in the protection of her three daughters, spoiled by her, we ate little, as my grandmother used to say: "These girls are bad mouths, they eat like little birds".

馃My relationship with food at that time was not fun at all, I got sick from everything, especially when I ate spaghetti with chicken, traumas that to this day affect me, I do not eat chicken馃あ.

馃The worst thing is that at that time my classmates made fun of me, they compared me to a doll called Betty Spaghetti, that affected me but my mother consoled me by telling me that the models were thin.

馃By my adolescence I was still skinny, at that time it was not only the little I ate that affected my weight, behind so many personal problems was Depression.



propiedad de @elisaday7


馃La depresi贸n estuvo en mi vida desde que era una ni帽a, se complic贸 m谩s en mi etapa adulta, todas las veces que enfrente esos episodios de Crisis Emocionales, mis h谩bitos alimenticios cambiaron y bajaba de peso rapidamente.

馃Cuando estaba deprimida no com铆a, mi est贸mago enfermaba, padec铆a 煤lceras, gastritis, me toc贸 cumplir dietas, por mucho tiempo cumpli tratamientos para mi salud pero la fuente del mal segu铆a haciendo estragos

馃Hab铆a tiempos en mi juventud en los cuales estaba bien con mi peso, me sent铆a bien, hac铆a ejercicios, estaba concentrada en otras cosas, estaba lejos de muchas cosas que me afectaba

馃En mi Vida he vivido tres grandes perdidas de peso al extremo, no por enfermedad f铆sica todos ellas por la depresi贸n

馃La primera vez que baje de peso al extremo fue en mi primer embarazo, me desnutri a un punto que casi me muero, la presi贸n por ser madre Soltera en mi adolescencia, la reacci贸n de mis padres me condujo a un estado cr铆tico con la Depresi贸n

馃Gracias a la ayuda de mi Madre, a su apoyo recupere peso, aunque las batallas en mi mente siguieron por un largo tiempo

馃Depression was in my life since I was a child, it became more complicated in my adulthood, every time I faced those episodes of emotional crisis, my eating habits changed and I lost weight quickly.

馃When I was depressed I didn't eat, my stomach got sick, I suffered from ulcers, gastritis, I had to follow diets, for a long time I followed treatments for my health but the source of the illness continued to wreak havoc.

馃There were times in my youth when I was fine with my weight, I felt good, I exercised, I was focused on other things, I was far away from many things that affected me.

馃In my life I have lived through three major weight losses to the extreme, not because of physical illness but all of them because of depression.

馃The first time I lost weight to the extreme was in my first pregnancy, I became malnourished to the point that I almost died, the pressure of being a single mother in my adolescence, the reaction of my parents led me to a critical state with depression

馃Thanks to my mother's help, to her support I regained weight, although the battles in my mind continued for a long time.



Imagen en pixabay de anncapictures


馃La segunda p茅rdida de peso ocurri贸 a mis 23 a帽os, las dificultades en mi relaci贸n matrimonial dificulto mucho mi recuperaci贸n, todas las circunstancias me causaban mucha Ansiedad, sent铆a que me faltaba el aire, las preocupaciones sobre todo el baja autoestima que ten铆a jugaban en mi contra.

馃Fueron tiempos donde las personas preguntaban mucho por mi Salud. me criticaban, me daban consejos, buscaban informaci贸n de mi vida personal, no era normal que estuviera como un Esqueleto, como muchos llegaron a decirme

馃Cuando sufres depresi贸n te alejas de las personas, yo buscaba de escapar de todos, me sent铆a incomprendida, no entend铆a lo que me pasaba

馃Esa segunda ca铆da en mi vida me llev贸 a buscar ayuda con un psic贸logo, a espalda de todos ya que no ten铆a la confianza para hablar con mi familia, en busca de tantas salidas encontr茅 El Evangelio

馃The second weight loss occurred when I was 23 years old, the difficulties in my marital relationship made my recovery very difficult, all the circumstances caused me a lot of anxiety, I felt short of breath, the worries, especially the low self-esteem, played against me.

馃They criticized me, gave me advice, looked for information about my personal life, it was not normal that I was like a skeleton, as many came to tell me.

馃When you suffer from depression you distance yourself from people, I tried to escape from everyone, I felt misunderstood, I didn't understand what was happening to me.

馃That second fall in my life led me to seek help from a psychologist, behind everyone's back because I didn't have the confidence to talk to my family, in search of many ways out I found The Gospel.



propiedad de @elisaday7


馃Por largo tiempo me sent铆 muy bien, estaba sana en cuerpo y mente, me sent铆a hermosa, feliz con la imagen de mi que miraba en el espejo

馃Para el a帽o 2017 cuando recien salia de mi segunda embarazo la econom铆a del pa铆s convulsion贸, los alimentos no se encontraban, entonces me ocurrio lo peor, si antes en la segunda reca铆da parec铆a un esqueleto ahora estaba muerta en vida.

馃Todo pas贸 tan r谩pido, en tres meses todo mi peso se consumi贸, no solo me da帽aba la falta de comida, el estr茅s, angustia, la tristeza era tantas emociones con las que lidiaba, muchos pensamientos negativos

馃Perdi toda mi ropa, me quedaban grandes, tuve que coser muchas de ellas para vestir en mis d铆as

馃No quer铆a que nadie me viera as铆, me daba pena con mi esposo, lloraba al verme en el espejo, cuando me ba帽aba lloraba porque mi cabello se sal铆a a montones, gritaba en silencio, me sent铆a sola, estaba desnutrida

馃Fue un tiempo muy duro que provoc贸 rupturas en mi matrimonio, ten铆a pena de mi, hab铆a perdido mi confianza, s茅 que muchas personas de mi pa铆s sufrieron en silencio esos tiempos donde ve铆as a tantas personas perder tallas de forma exagerada

馃En ese tiempo no solo se trataba de mi bienestar emocional, tambi茅n mi salud fue afectada agresivamente llev谩ndome a tener problemas de hipoglicemia, presi贸n arterial y el colon inflamado, fuera del cansancio que sent铆a mentalmente

馃Fue un tiempo que estuve entre la vida y la muerte por perder tanto peso de forma Involuntaria, hay d铆as en que miro hacia ese pasado y me siento agradecida por estar Viva

馃For a long time I felt very well, I was healthy in body and mind, I felt beautiful, happy with the image of myself that I saw in the mirror.

馃By 2017 when I was just coming out of my second pregnancy the country's economy convulsed, food was not to be found, then the worst happened to me, if before in the second relapse I looked like a skeleton now I was dead in life.

馃Everything happened so fast, in three months all my weight was consumed, not only the lack of food hurt me, the stress, anguish, sadness were so many emotions I was dealing with, many negative thoughts.

馃I lost all my clothes, they were too big for me, I had to sew many of them to wear in my days.

馃I didn't want anyone to see me like this, I felt sorry for my husband, I cried when I saw myself in the mirror, when I took a bath I cried because my hair was coming out in piles, I screamed silently, I felt lonely, I was malnourished.

馃It was a very hard time that caused breakups in my marriage, I felt sorry for myself, I had lost my confidence, I know that many people in my country suffered in silence during those times when you saw so many people losing size in an exaggerated way.

馃At that time it was not only about my emotional wellbeing, my health was also aggressively affected leading me to have problems with hypoglycemia, blood pressure and an inflamed colon, besides the tiredness I felt mentally.

馃It was a time when I was between life and death for losing so much weight involuntarily, there are days when I look back on that time and feel grateful for being alive.



propiedad de @elisaday7


馃Actualmente luego de tantas historias de terror me siento bien conmigo misma, amo como me veo, con el peso que tengo ahora a mis 34 a帽os .

馃Esos tiempos turbios del pasado me han dejado grandes ense帽anzas, me hizo bien pasar por esos dramas, lo que no me mat贸 me fortaleci贸

馃Esos tiempos en mi vida me impulsaron a ser quien soy ahora, a amarme tal como soy, sacaron lo mejor de mi, detr谩s de cada evento siempre hubo Emociones, las mismas que aportaron ense帽anzas que hoy guardo

馃Tiempos que me llevaron a Dios, d铆as que cruzaron en mi camino a tantas personas que me aconsejaron, apoyaron, alentaron con sus palabras, aquellas palabras que ven铆an a mi mente cuando quer铆a rendirme.

馃Sin esos tiempos muchas de las historias que ahora escribo no tendr铆an sentido, no es f谩cil experimentar la p茅rdida de peso al extremo que tu cuerpo parezca un ser desfigurado

馃Por si sola no pude salir de todas esas ca铆das, sin embargo el apoyo de mis seres queridos cambi贸 mi visi贸n, detenerme un instante y buscar esa ra铆z que causaba tanto mal en mi vida para sanar desde adentro, a medida que avanzas en esa b煤squeda descubres tantos males, pero al final la sanidad se refleja en tu vida, especialmente en tu salud

馃Amo la comida, ahora si puedo decir que disfruto mi comida馃構 pero sobre todo lo hago en paz, tranquilidad, ahora si he hacen efecto las vitaminas, me siento bien 馃崹

馃Today after so many horror stories I feel good about myself, I love the way I look, with the weight I am now at 34 years old .

馃Those turbulent times in the past have left me with great lessons, it did me good to go through those dramas, what didn't kill me made me stronger .

馃Those times in my life pushed me to be who I am now, to love myself as I am, they brought out the best in me, behind every event there were always Emotions, the same ones that brought teachings that I keep today.

馃Times that led me to God, days that crossed my path so many people who advised me, supported me, encouraged me with their words, those words that came to my mind when I wanted to give up.

馃Without those times many of the stories I write now would not make sense, it is not easy to experience weight loss to the extreme that your body looks like a disfigured being.

馃Alone I could not get out of all those falls, however the support of my loved ones changed my vision, stop for a moment, look for the root that caused so much evil in my life to heal from within, as you move forward in that search you discover so many evils, but in the end the healing is reflected in your life, especially in your health.

馃I love food, now I can say that I enjoy my food馃構 but above all I do it in peace, tranquility, now if the vitamins have an effect, I feel good 馃崹

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propiedad de @elisaday7



Imagen en pixabay de sweetvenom187

馃Me encanto participar en esta iniciativa, compartir parte de mi historia, gracias por tomarte un tiempo para realizar esta lectura, espero sea de tu agrado.

馃Me gustar铆a invitar a participar a @marile21 a esta bella iniciativa

馃Fotograf铆as tomadas de mi Galeria personal
馃Imagen de portada personalizada con recursos de Canva por @elisaday7
馃Textos traducidos en Deepl
馃Separadores y Banner personalizados en Canva por @elisaday7


馃I love to participate in this initiative, to share part of my story, thank you for taking the time to make this reading, I hope you like it.

馃I would like to invite @marile21 to participate in this beautiful initiative.

馃Pictures taken from my personal Gallery
馃Cover image customized with resources from Canva by @elisaday7
馃Texts translated in Deepl
馃Custom dividers and banner in Canva by @elisaday7

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