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Indifference the killer of relationships

To my understanding Indifference occurred as a result of not having attention or lack of care from your partner or person that means so much to you. And this Indifference are mostly common or found among lover's


Once you start relationships, the two parties expect to give and take. Indifference is a form of not giving. It’s the opposite of healthy relationship as e basic need of humans.

Some common signed to note when is Indifference

  • Most relationship get collapse as a result of Indifference, a person that called your cell phone frequently or everyday and night to check on you has suddenly stopped calling and even when you try to call, he talked as if he doesn't want to speak, is a sign that Indifference has entered.

  • A person that love being around you, have suddenly change he or she always bring excuse to avoid being around you, that is a sign that Indifference has chip in.

  • A person that love taking you out for lunch or dinner has suddenly stopped and always bring some flimsy excuse, hmmm, is a sign of Indifference in that relationship.

Because through communication you get to know your partner better which mostly lead to fight But when you're regularly fight just stops, and no body care anymore about that particular mistakes always lead to fight that could be a sign of one or both of you are feeling Indifference.

  • Things that you guys have always been doing together, things that you enjoyed and they were part of your relationship has suddenly stopped, it doesn't matter anymore to someone that is feeling Indifference in a relationship, I think is a sign of indifferent.


Some ways to get out of Indifference

  • Once you notice indifferent in your relationship, first call the attention of your partner in order to know we're the problem is coming from and how to look for a way out in order to settle it the earlier the better before it get out of control.

Be sure to have empathy and listen to your partner’s perspective too. Stay away from personal attacks and take personal responsibility for your actions. And talks politely about your feelings in a relationship and find a way on how to grow the relationship.

  • Make sure you don't give chance to communication barrier, because is one of the ingredient that kill relationship, and that is why Indifference alway attack communication first, once it succeeding in getting you're communication hmmm, it takes the grace of God to scale through that particular relationship.

When your relationship has a strong communication it really gives you green light on how far the relationship is heading to because silence
Resentment is a killer of relationships. It is always seen in anger. It slowly bubbles up until the anger becomes a lack of interest.

When you try all these and it doesn't work, please just let go the relationship there are many eager to accept you, so don't wast your time on some one that loose interest on you, because no matter how you hope or Wait to see if things will come back to normal, you may end up regretting.

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