Grieving for our Greatest Heartbreak 😭

Sometimes, there are instances in our family lives that we never imagined could happen.

My heart is aching my friends. Last week, I got a very bad news from my sister that saddened me until now. It all started with a simple message, a question, from her and everything fell apart, tears fell down and broke my heart.


My sister is only a year younger than me. We are not just sisters but best friends too. We are that close to each other. Although I have had disappointments form her back then because I sent her to college but discontinued because she got pregnant. However, I supported her choices and even sponsored for her wedding. That's how I loved and cared for her.

Yes, she got married ahead of me and now she is 7 months pregnant with her third child. Her first two children are as adorable as mine. When she got pregnant with her third child, we got very happy and even joked that I gonna keep up with her😂.

Just last week, she went to a laboratory to have her ultrasound. She was not able to do the ultrasound earlier because it's quite expensive. She messaged me after she got the result.




Everything in the result are good except for one. Then I received a message,

Te, unsa diay nang Anencephaly? (Sis, what does Anencephaly mean?)

I was not familiar with it also but I had this bad feeling upon seeing it. I immediately googled the word and I was right, it is indeed something terrible. The result was not yet shown to her OB because she was scheduled for an appointment the next day so, she was not yet explained about it comprehensively. I replied her question with tactfulness. I knew she had googled it also but I tried to calm her down and let the doctor explain everything to her.

But deep inside I am hopeless😭. I cried when I called my husband.Its my greatest heartache by far, it seemed to me like I am about to lose a child of my own. Knowing that the baby is still fighting inside and has a strong beating heart aggravated my pain😭. The absence of Fetal Calvarium is a serious birth defect and has very small percentage of survival once the baby is delivered.

The following day, my sister went to the OB (It's a public hospitals OB, by the way). And we're right!😭 However, the doctor suggested a second Ultrasound. A clearer one means a costly one. I know my sister and her husband is currently on tight budget, so I offered to pay for the second Ultrasound.





The same result😭💔...

When the doctor saw the second result, she gave my sister two options, CS or wait for a normal delivery. The doctor added that either of the two, the baby will still die either inside the tummy or after birth😭.

My sister asked for my thoughts but I did not have any, I just told her that what ever she decides I will support her. I know she is in pain as much as I do. I am sure that this is more heartbreaking to her because she is the mother, she carries the baby in her for eight months now knowing that it might eventually die after birth😭.

The family decided to wait for her due date and deliver the baby through vaginal labor. I don't know if it's possible to deliver a baby that way knowing the the baby has no skull and based on the last result it is Frank Breech😥. But according to my sister, the doctor said it is possible because she's still in her 34th week.

We are all waiting, praying, hoping for a safe delivery. Even though our hearts are full of sadness and a part of it is already grieving. We are in the process of acceptance. Our little angel might not meant to be with us in this world💔.

That's it for now my friends! I am grateful to you who might read this because somehow by sharing this lightens the heartache that I have. And I pray for my sister's well being and resilience that she and our family will get through this. Again, thank you so much and GOD BLESS!

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