An extension of me.

Image is mine

The last time I got a phone for myself was 2017 and when that phone got bad, my ex got me my first iPhone.

But then, during the course of running my business, the phone got stolen, which marked the beginning of my business running aground.

I was so devastated that my entire existence became gloomy.

I wasn't happy at all and that affected everything about me.

For starters I just started out at the business and while sales were good, I have not even recovered my capital talk more of having enough profit to replace my stolen iPhone.

I also wasn't expecting my ex to replace the phone for me, cause he warned me to guide it with my life and if anything happens to the phone he doesn't want to hear of it.

Truthfully, I was careless with the phone, because I dropped it on the table outside my restaurant and before I realized it was gone, it was already too late. As the guy who came to buy food picked it up while I wasn't looking.

After the incident, my mom tried talking to me to move past it but I couldn't. I was angry, I was angry at myself, angry at my business.

I thought if I wasn't in the business, maybe I would still have my phone. In order to make me happy, my mom gave me her own phone.

But it wasn't the same, it didn't change my traumatized emotional and mental state.

Before I knew it sales dropped drastically. I use to always get sold out before the close of work but then, I started struggling, I could barely make sales and I kept pumping money into the business.

Things got so bad that I started using my savings just so I do not go out of business and before I could realize myself, I was dead broke and just striving for survival.

At first, I couldn't place it, I mean I was doing so well, I cooked twice a day just to meet up with demands suddenly, I can't even half a cooler by the close of work.

I thought really hard because I need to find a solution, and I can't do that if I do not get to the root of the matter.

Alas! It dawned on me the moment I traced the last day of massive sales to the day my phone got stolen.

Immediately, I remembered the advice of a friend in the cooking business....

She said, our emotions can either make or break us especially in the cooking business because what we feel, reflects in our cooking.

If we get angry or sad while cooking, whoever is eating the food will feel it and not enjoy the meal no matter how well it is cooked. That's why at all times, she keeps her emotions in check while cooking.

I had forgotten these words of wisdom from her and let my emotions get the best of me.

Right there, I started letting go and finding my way back to my happy state. It wasn't a fast process but in no distance time, business improved slightly and my aunty gifted me her iPhone when her husband upgraded hers.

Not long after, I got a job and quit the business, then I joined hive.

The moment I got on boarded, I told myself all my online expenses will be funded from my hive account since I will be spending most of my time here, I needed to create value for all that time expended and it did pay off.

At a point I had to borrow my mom's phone as the iphone I was using had a full storage space and a weak battery.

Not like my mom's phone was any better as it has a low processor which slowed down my activities on hive. It became inevitable that I needed to get a phone for the first time in 7 years.

By the time I was checking my account balance, it couldn't get me the phone I had wanted, so I fell back to my hive Wallet to see how far I have come and Eureka! All the money I needed could be completed with a part of my HBD.

I can't even begin to explain the excitement that I feel, knowing that my phone is an asset and not a liability or something to pass time by. But like we say in Nigeria, God did it 🙂.

Above is my response to the thinkers corner, hosted by @kenechukwu

Thank you for stopping by to read me ♥️

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