RE: Harmonic Balance

Doing the skill lessons is the quickest way to gain level I think. So need to get to Level 80 to really open the game up more then can probably focus on missions that pay better. My base collection power is for Gold 2 also, so within the first half of season I am kinda stuck there because I don't push too hard but once my ranking hits gold 1 it benefits me to rent because the power you get per focus chest is much higher but it does not benefit me to rent for diamond even if I have the ranking. I have also been playing my bronze account and it can feel like it would probably be best to split my main account into 2 or so silver ones but that is just work so I play the bronze and this season not renting as much to push through to Gold 1 quickly just slowly getting there. I try do a basic 10 chests per day but once I hit Gold 1 that is so much simpler.

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