Guild Brawl - My 2nd Brawl Report with 🍕PIZZA 2 The Deep Dish Guild🍕


Hello everyone, welcome to Koodies Guild Brawl Post, whereby I challenge myself to write a post to understand more about splinterland tactics and sprinkle the wonders of splinterland to all my readers! Game ON ~~~

1st Battle


At first glance, it's very obvious who has lost this match, with his front tanker it has effectively deny any chances of me winning while his sneak attacker will slowly kill off my back role with ease.

2nd Battle


Phweee what luck ... man at first sight of his brawl card, I realized I totally do not have any upperhand at all. Hahahaha hopefully I will be able to own one when I open packs in the coming month.

3rd Battle


Oh no he got a brawl card, this might be tough! But lucky my tanker has quite a number of armor managed to block some overflow damage!

4th Battle


Oh ho ... a Grum Fireblade ?! Wow lucky for me, my brawl card manage to clinch 2 kills and thus his damage output was pretty AWESOME!

5th Battle


With a quick scan, I was initially worried that I might lose this match due to his -1 melee debuff. Luckily my brawl card has quite a number of armor, who was then resurrected thanks to River Hellondale.


Honestly, at this result 3:2, I think it's pretty not that bad but there are some points I could improve on especially the lack of brawl cards



PIZZA is an active gaming and creative arts crypto community on the HIVE blockchain. Popular games on HIVE like SPLINTERLANDS, RISING STAR, EXODE, HASHKINGS have their PIZZA communities here.

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If you will like to try out the game, here’s my referral:
Link to my slight tweak for kiokizz splinter tool:

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