"Stake + Play to earn"

Stake + play to earn September 19 King Of Duels

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Good afternoon dear duelists, today we bring you important information about the King Of Duels game, whether you are in the game or want to participate.

This game was created with love and effort from a member of the Hispanic community named @lavino, who has been a member of this beautiful network for a long time.
My intention to create this game was to make a totally fun game, with a solid and sustainable economy in the long term with different mechanics to be able to achieve this goal.

The game starts on September 19 in the whitepaper you can find how the economy works, I will leave you two tutorials on youtube in English and Spanish.

Remember that it is a game in beta phase you can get bugs or other problems that if they are reported we can solve it and work on it


videos in english

video en español


How does staking work?

Mainly it is a pool that contains at least 35 tickets available to distribute but this amount is adjustable depending on the participation of the users in the stake up to a total maximum of 70 weekly tickets.
this number can increase as the game grows and so does its liquidity.


The most important thing that these tickets have inside, what prizes do they grant?

  • 25% of not awarding any prize
  • 25% chance to grant a non NFT card from the game these cards can then be - crafted to nft
  • 5% nft card
  • 10% $token 500 $BUDS
  • 5% $token 1000 $BUDS
  • 2.5% $token 2500 $BUDS
  • 10% $token 500 $THGAMING
  • 5% $token 1000 $THGAMING
  • 2.5% $token 2500 $THGAMING
  • 1% $token 5000 $THGAMING
  • 1% $token 5000 $BUDS
  • 6% $token KOD a random number between 1 to 200 KOD
  • 2% $token HBD a random number from 0.5$ to 5$
How do I enter the stake?
  1. You have to login to the game with your keychain account.
  2. click on the profile button
  3. You choose the amount you want to deposit in the game, what is the use of having the money in the game? more than anything for card crafting and staking
  4. Sections available in the stake:
    Sin título.png
  • 1 weekly Pool
  • 2 available ticket numbers that you can claim
  • 3 Button to claim the available ticket
  • 4 To deposit KOD in the stake
  • 5 Button to Withdraw all the KOD from the stake cannot be partially withdrawn
  • 6 Your participation in the pool
  • 7 All the players who are in the pool
Rules to participate.
  • You can deposit any day of the week
  • To withdraw you have to complete two conditions, the first is that you can only withdraw on Monday of each week, the second condition is that your deposit has to be locked for 7 days or more.
    For example, if I deposit 100 kod on Friday, on Sunday I will receive the tickets that correspond to me, but I will not be able to withdraw those 100 kod on Monday, I will be able to withdraw it from next Monday.
    Your KOD tokens have to be in the stake for 7 days or more to be able to withdraw!
    You can withdraw the ticket whenever you want, this condition is only for the $KOD token
  • Every Sunday the tickets that correspond to you are delivered according to your participation in the pool
  • the tickets are fractional, that is, you can have 0.1 ticket but you cannot withdraw it, to be able to withdraw the tickets you need integers greater than 0
    Example: I have 10.9 Ticket available when I charge it, I only get 10 tickets but I will have 0.9 tickets available
How is participation calculated?

First the total in $KOD of the pool is accumulated.
If there are 10 players in, the first player staked 1000 KOD, the rest of the players staked 100 KOD tokens, so we add up all the KODs.
1000 + (100 * 9) = 1900 KOD I accumulate the weekly pool.
then the first player put 1000 KOD so the calculation is done
($kod of the player / $kod total of the pool) * amount of ticket to distribute that week
(1000/1900) * 35 ticket = 18.42 Ticket did the player win, how much did the rest of the players win?
(100/1900)* 35 = 1.84 tickets each
This is how the pool works if you have doubts you can enter the discord and I will solve your doubts or queries

important !!
This is also a stake where we want everyone to be able to participate and take something away, if we notice that all the tickets are being taken by 1 or 2 players, measures will be applied in the distribution so that everyone can participate without feeling left behind

The first season of King Of Duels begins on Monday so good luck to everyone, you will be able to generate income while having fun, remember to have fun to the fullest

Greetings to all.

Alternative Link:
Oficcial Site:
PeakD: @kingofduels
Token KOD:
Token KOD:

Stake + play to earn September 19 King Of Duels

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