Chaos Legion Packs Opening

Good day!

Today I decided to open 3 Chaos Legion packs. 2 of them I bought from Hive-Engine market for around $3.00 each, and another one I received for completing the daily quest a couple of days ago.


Total value of 3 packs: List $11.37 Market $10.89

I think it was a lucky draw!

  • 0 Legendary cards
  • 0 Epic cards
  • 4 Rare cards
  • 11 Common Cards
  • 2 gold foil cards
  • 2 Summoner cards

I am always happy seeing gold foil cards because now we can use them in the brawls. I usually rent strong gf cards for the brawls, and sometimes it costs a lot.

Even if we assume that 3 packs cost me $9, I am still in a profit. I plan to buy 1-2 packs more from Hive-Engine.

Let's take a look at 2 gold foil cards that I got.

The first one is Silent Sha-VI. For only 5 mana void it is a pretty strong common card. I will try to take it to the max level.


Another gold foil card I received today is Cruel Sethropod. I can't say that this card as cool as the previous one, but still it can be very helpful in the battle with a small league rule.


Now I plan to rearrange my rentals. I just checked the peakmonsters and it seems like I am losing a lot of DECs. I canceled most rentals today, so tomorrow I will put cards on market again.

If you don't play Splinterlands yet, try it now and win a free card or earn DEC tokens.

If you don't play Rising Star yet, try it now and win a free card or earn STARBIT tokens.

If you don't play CryptoBrewMaster yet, try it now and win a free card or earn CBM tokens.

The post was published via @Ecency. Ecency is one of the best communities and posting platforms on Hive Blockchain!


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