Astral Entities AMA 6/29/22

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What is Astral Entities?

Astral Entities is an NFT project on Wax that aims to create one collection of NFTs that is usable across multiple games and blockchains with cohesive lore. The developer, Hella Rad Games, plans to include projects spanning as many genres as possible. Hella Rad Games was founded by Cryptoreaper and Tanzo, with the aim to create Crypto games that put fun before anything else. To learn more you can visit their website, or come ask a question on their Discord.


Official Business

The winners for the most recent writing contest were announced.
1st Place = Horstman5 (Yay!)
2nd Place = Lil Fae
3rd Place = Walter
4th Place = No_Profile
5th Place = DaJoker

The developer working on Teargyn was given feedback on the inventory pages. He has gone ahead and added some filters that can be expanded on. We are extremely close. After version one is released version 2 will be a marketplace outside of Atomichub. This will allow us to use our own smart contracts, and stay up if Atomichub is down.

Discordant Adventures is basically done at this point, and is being refactored into a more stable code base so it can be scaled more easily.

Tanzo is excited about being able to push out content on Discordant Adventures while other things are in development.



Question: (No_Profile) Is there a sound track planned for background Taergyn music?
Answer: Yes, but it's on the back burner for now. A few ideas were thrown around. Both founders like 8 bit style music.

Question: (Waffles) How Tan would a Tanzo Tan if a Tanzo could Tan?
Answer: (Tanzo) I don't tan I burn. I am the whitest white and will burn through my clothes.

End of June 29th AMA

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