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My rising star saga #6 and giveaway #2


It's been 12 days since my last post and I have lots of updates.

So my total amount of fans is 430 ( in this picture I have some drunks so they don't count), Well I jumped from 195 fans to that amazing number! Mostly I got it from two amazing cards that I got while opening two packs! Dominic, my new bandleader and Chloe. I also got some cards from giveaways, that gave me more fans.
Another great accomplishment is that I moved to another map finally. I am doing Local Gig Circuit missions. Right now I can do Radio Studio Session missions.

For that I had to finish the last mission from Home Town at least 5 times, also I had to buy a I6 mid range acoustic. I bought it for 0.72 HIVE at nftmart, I had to sold some starbits to get this money, it was 2450 starbits

Here you can find my two packs opening:

Like I said I got the great cards Dominc (150 fans and 150 skill) and chloe (50 fans and 175 skills). They are great because they don't create any problems to my ego. I also got Pierre which gave me 10 fans and 5 skill. And 3 instruments. Busker Rio gives me 5 luck. Cherry Viola and RS YO gives me 1 luck each.

As I said I also got some cards from giveaways:

Oliver and Jennifer (which is my 3rd card from Jennifer), I got from the amazing discord server. That gave me 20 fans in total and 1 skill. This server is an amazing source of friends, and also giveaways. Join there if you guys have time here.

I also tested the music promoter mission yesterday, I inserted 1000 starbits and did some bids, well, I still didn't have the payout, but it is around 0.03 STARPRO right now.
I guess it was a great 12 days for my profile at starbits!
Let's see now the giveaways.

First we need to announce our winner of the Cheap Kettle Drum

For that, I am using We had a total of 11 participants.

And the winner is :

Congratulations @wazock !! (transactionId:"75c02980b9eba80d7ff2d3df57f36f7b2aba8632")

Let's move on for the next giveaway. I will choose the winner and send the prize again in more or less then 7 days. So we have this card: RS YO

To participate you will need to provide your IGN only (if it is different from your login in here) and a comment.

are welcomed in addition to positive votes but not necessary.

Cheers and good luck! See you next time