My predictions about land - Will Common land fall to $5?

So I have read the Land 1.5 Whitepaper and I sat in on the SL town hall about land. There is a lot going on, at the top and at the bottom.

I'm thinking about Region level decisions. 40+ players own at least 1 region. What will they do? Are 1000 plots even manageable by 1 person? Let's take a quick look at what I consider to be the limiting factor: cards


So If I have 1000 PLOTs, I am looking carefully at this production point mechanism.

I might be able to fill some Plots with a Runi. Maybe I can field a few max alpha common gold foils or something because I am a diehard. I might even have a legendary totem or two.

A player like this is what I am thinking about. Huge money. But no where near huge enough to get enough PP as they will want. Another way to say this is 'there is no one rich enough'. These people will have to specialize their best stuff in a layered technique.

Here's what I think will happen in phase 1.5:

Because all the PLOTs were surveyed before hand, Region owners will do something like the following:

Step 1: Find Highest level occupied territory.

Hoping for a legendary, but maybe an epic occupied territory. Sending your biggest bad cards, I'm talking about max gold foil chain golem and your max common alpha cards and your best Runi gold or otherwise. Once they clear the land, you stake that Legendary token and your best title - and now you are mining SPS with your top top team.

Let's use theoretic numbers of 130,000 PP.

Runi: +100%
L. Totem: +100%
Plot rarity L/E:100%/40%
best title: 50%

So that's 585,000 PP if you are lucky enough to have a legendary occupied territory, or 507,000 if you have to put up with just an epic one.

But wait these beasts need grain!

Oh shit that's right so I am going to have to find a legendary non-magical non-occupied territory and dedicate my second third best team to clearing it off and getting down to grain production, with +100% from the land rarity.

Maybe the third team is 61,500 PP with a regular foil runi and 5 max BCX epic alpha regular foil cards. They are going to clear that property and get an epic totem (+40%) and a mid level title, maybe +25%. That's 162,975 in grain production, enough for 16.2M PP of monsters.

Follow the train of thought

Obviously I will want some of my best teams in the Castle, and probably at least a midling team in the keep(s) around important mining spots (like the legendary occupied plot).

All will search out the Secret of Praetoria with some of their best teams - searching for boons and titles.

But the PP numbers drop off quickly.

Likely I would get 20 or 50 teams deep if I were a region holder and had a lot of cards, totems and titles, plus a few runis. But as we go down the list, the numbers fall off.

Thousands of PP plus 25% boosts; 6kPP at best. There is no way I'm even making it to the common plots (which have already been surveyed and likely have building in a box and time crystals paid for).

As I build up my castle and keeps, my elite mining spots and teams, I am likely to wonder what is the best thing to do with these common and even rare non-magical/non-occupied plots. Maybe delegation comes, but all of my friends are rich mavs.

Option 1. Delegate land to scholars. Its in your interest to help them out, and you get a cut of what they earn staking their cards and working your land.

Option 2. Sell them on the open market - hope someone works them (eventually).

Option 3. Work them yourself with minimal benefit and huge DEC staking requirements.

I think common land is going to fall off a cliff

And castles, keeps, legendary points of special interest, might get more expensive than people think.

I think there will be a new age of opportunities for scholars, onboarding and UPboarding, where rich players search out smaller players to come and build on their land. They will probably compete with cash prizes - they are earning money after all.

A new age of gaming is upon us. I wonder how many people are thinking in the fourth dimension in this way?

Freedom and Friendship

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