Splinterlands - Be Smart About Buying Cards

The prices of Splinterland Chaos Legion cards have fallen to new lows. I believe this is a combination of the general sale and the drop in crypto prices overall.

Low Prices

On PeakMonsters, you can show a list of all the cards on the market by lowest price. There are a lot of cards on the market for less than $0.04 each. This makes it easy to snatch up a lot of them at once and level up these cards.

Prices are very low.PNG


To use leveled up cards, you will need leveled up summoners. The summoner card prices have also fallen. Some are below $3 each, a steal compared to the prices a few weeks ago. If you are trying to win more matches, you will need to have leveled up summoners to be more competitive.

Chaos Legion Summoners.PNG

Limited Budget

I am on a limited budget and must save up before I am able to purchase cards. When you have a large list of cards that you need and limited funds, how do you determine which cards provide the best value for your funds. You could buy all the lowest priced cards or you could pick based on the collection power per cost.

Compare by Best CP to Cost ratio.PNG

Best CP/Cost Ratio

I discovered on the PeakMonsters buy menu when you click Compare and then use the menu above that appears when you click the Compare by: dropdown a list of the cards with the best Collection Power to Cost.

Peakmonsters Buy menu.PNG

Best CP/Cost Ratio Summoners

If you have the funds, Quix the Devious have the best collection power for the funds paid. I was not expecting the gold version of General Sloan to be the second best summoner with the highest collection power to cost ratio. It has dropped below $30 so very reasonable.

Best CP CL Summoners.PNG

Best CP/Cost Ratio Monsters

If you already have leveled up summoners and you need to have higher level monsters. There are now several of the Gold Foil cards priced at less than $1.00. Getting one or two of these and combining them would be a very effective means to increase the power of your card deck.

You should easily be able to get a few cards with collection power greater than 125 CP per $1 spent.

Chaos Legion Gold Foil cards.PNG

Best CP Gold.PNG

Pelacor Arbalest

Since I have a leveled up General Sloan, I needed additional Life Splinter cards that I use in my lineups. I found a Pelacor Arbalest for less that $4 with over 150 CP per $1 ratio so I purchased it this morning. The prices are rapidly changing so you should make your list of the cards used most often and check the CP ratios to determine if that is the best price for you.

You may find some great bargains and really increase the competitiveness of your card deck. Good Luck in your hunting.

Pelacor Arbalest.PNG

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