Leveraging "Starbits Millionaire" into passive residual income


Photo courtesy of Rising Star game

Disclaimer: this post is not financial advice. If you follow what I am doing you do so at your own risk. This post contains my Rising Star affiliate link. If you join using this link I may earn Starbits from your playing.

I posted last week about reaching the sacred 1 million Starbits and I just received my millionaire card to run the special mission. for those of you who don't know if you have 1 million or more Starbits in Hive -engine you can apply to get a special card to run a mission once a day worth 10k Starbits. Best of all you can earn this by playing for free if you are willing to do the grind everyday. I earned most of my Starbits but bought the last 100k to speed up me getting my card. Note: I also sold Starbits in the past so it evens out really.

Right now the mission is worth about 3 swap Hive. This amount can change at any time. I have decided to leverage this income and put about 65% of this income into liquidity pools. The remaining funds will be used to buy more card packs at Rising Star.

Every day or every few days I will sell some of the Starbits and use those funds in various liquidity pools. I may use the swap.hive as a pairing for the pools but I will also be buying tokens for the pools with these funds. I'll post more info about the pools in upcoming posts.

This is simply leveraging the "free' income I get from running the special mission into some (hopefully) residual passive income. So far I am doing pretty well in the liquidity pools and am excited to see how I can build it up using small amounts of funds regularly. This also minimizes risk of loss to me because I am using these earned funds and not having to use any out of pocket funds (unless I want to).

Pretty cool, eh?

If you are interested in the Rising Star game feel free to click the links in this post and check it out.

Thanks for reading.


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