Analysis and Report of my rewards in the (Season 123) [EN]

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It has been almost 2 weeks since I brought my last renewed season report, where I covered many new aspects that help me to better visualize my performance in the 15 days that the season lasts, or rather, in the days in which I started to play, since, sometimes, I do not start playing from the 1st day, but I wait for the next day or 2 days after I started, but, it has been several days since I finished the season 123, and it is time to update myself and evaluate how I did. I wait for the next day or 2 days after starting the season, but, it has been several days since I finished the 123 season, and it is time to update and evaluate how I did, besides, this is not only for you to see my rewards, my idea is to encourage you, besides the fun of playing, you can also take very seriously how is your progress in the game.

So, in this opportunity, we will see how I did in "Season 123", I will analyze and observe the metrics, comparing them in a brief way with my performance in season 122, which was the report I did before this one, this will help me to observe if my consistency was continuous, or if, on the contrary, I have lowered the intensity, I must remember that, we are in somewhat complicated dates, the month of December in my country, is very familiar, is where we take the opportunity to get together and spend a nice time, so, it is obvious that my gameplay and number of battles is down, and although I play in the "Wild" format, I do not use practically the BOT, because, if I get used to it I could lose my touch, and I really like the challenges and strategies of the game, so the manual game is my favorite.

But well, I've been a little long in this introduction, but, let's get to the point, I hope you stay until the end of this publication, since everything I will analyze and / or detail, you can also do it with your own accounts, the purpose of all this is to train you as professional players and more at this time where we have "Rebellion" already live, with new insane mechanics that make the gameplay even more frantic, so, without anything else to say, let's start once and for all:

Analysis of my "Results" (Season 123)

As I commented in my previous season report, I have made some changes in my analysis and/or details about everything that has to do with my account and its performance in the last 15 days, so, what you will see is, what was the amount of battles played, win/loss percentage, my rank (Leaderboard Position) and this kind of relevant information to know my performance, so, what I want to show here, is basically a summary of how I did in the season, also, if you want to do something similar, with all the data that I will show below is more than enough for you to evaluate your accounts:

Table of Results

Rating2888 - GOLD_I
Rating High2986
Ratio (Win/Loss)1.06 (142/134)
Win PCT (Wins/battles * 100)51.45 (142/276)
Longest Streak8

As you can see in the image of the "Chests" and the "Table", I obtained a total of 139 "Gold" chests playing in the "Wild Format", this was achieved in 276 battles played throughout the season, which means that my performance in terms of number of chests (Rewards) and number of battles fought, dropped dramatically, since, if we compare it with season No. 122, the total number of chests amounted to 151 and the number of battles to 342. If we compare it with season 122, the chests amounted to a total of 151 and the battles to 342, resulting in 12 less chests in the chests, which may seem few, but make the difference between not having won a "Pack" or a legendary card, for example; and also, a difference of 66 less battles.

However, something that could improve and I imagine it was due to the number of total battles played, was my "Ratio" of number of battles won among the lost ones, going from 1.01 in season 122, to 1.06 in season 123, this of course, also affected my percentage of wins against losses, thus overcoming the 50. 29% of the 122, to achieve this time a good 51.45%, having a victory difference in the longest streaks, being in the 123 of 8 and 122 of 7. Last but not least, I must point out that my "Rank or Position" in the leader board, rose to 261 from the 386 I had achieved in the 122, which is really good.

Note: The conclusion of this analysis is that, despite having achieved fewer chests this season, which obviously affected my rewards, what I did achieve was to surpass all my stats from last season, which is a very good achievement for me, now the real challenge is to maintain these same metrics or surpass them.

Analysis of my "Rewards" in the (Season 123)

Well, in this section comes what everyone wants to see haha, although, for me it is not the most important thing, I talked about the rewards as such, although I must clarify that, I am not saying that they are not relevant, if they are fundamental for a Web3 game, but, beyond that, in a game of this type and for those who like competition and always want to improve and be the best, the most important thing here is to improve and have fun, with these 2 things, the rewards will eventually arrive on their own, but that's another topic, so, I won't get into it anymore and let's go with the explanation:

Table of Assets

SPS staking rewardsps.png 304.0779.39$
SPS ranked battle (wild)sps.png 114.7443.54$
SPS daily focussps.png 69.8852.15$
SPS seasonsps.png 59.7051.84$
MERITS quest rewardmerits.png 648.0-
MERITS season rewardsmerits.png 878.0-
VOUCHER earnedvoucher.png 32.3531.25$
Legendary potionslegendary.png 92-
Gold potionsalchemy.png 218-
TOTAL-18.17 $

As you can see in the table above, in spite of having played fewer battles and obtained fewer chests in this season, I obtained more earnings in terms of "Dollars" with respect to season No. 122, since in that season, I earned a total of $12.64 and in season 123 I have earned $18. 17$, having a difference of 5.53$, however, in the 122 I managed to collect 601.529 SPS and in the 123 a total of 548.411 SPS, so, it is obvious that I obtained less rewards, the crucial difference lies in that, the price of the SPS has shot up more than 100% during the last month, which has multiplied my earnings.

Note: Even so, the reflection here, speaking with respect to the tokens that we generate by playing, is that determining the earnings for the chests is pure luck, we must evaluate them by the amount of SPS that we can earn in each battle won, the rest is additional, it would be like a kind of bonus, so, these will improve, as we become better players over time.*

Card Table

bcx: 1

bcx: 7

bcx: 2

bcx: 3

bcx: 3

bcx: 1

bcx: 2

bcx: 1

bcx: 3

bcx: 6

bcx: 1

bcx: 2

bcx: 2

bcx: 5

bcx: 1

bcx: 1

bcx: 1

bcx: 1

Speaking of the cards that I have won in season 123, naturally the amount is much less than what I got in 122, I do not have exactly the accounts, but, collecting less amount of chests, if or if they are less, what I must emphasize, is that I worry about the performance I have in terms of the amount of chests that I manage to win, since, What interests me the most are the cards, since my main objective is to complete as much as possible this edition of "Soulbound Rewards" and it is natural to think so, because the objective of all of you should be this, since the more you complete each one of the decks of all the "Splinters", the better you will play and the effectiveness will improve notably.

Additional Statistics

In this last section of the post, what I do is to show some images that reflect my performance along my journey in "Splinterlands", in a much more graphic way, something that is not too much to observe that momentum and / or setback that I am having throughout the seasons, on the other hand, at the end of this section, I will show only the progress in percentage of the "Soulbound" cards, but not card by card as I did last time, this way, it is much easier for me to evaluate the progress with percentages than seeing one by one the cards, so without further ado, take a look at the following images:

Classification data in "Wild Format".

Seasonal data relating to battles in the "Wild Format"

Rewards" data by season

Total Soulbound cards


With all this information about the season N°123, I have finished one more post about my rewards report of this season, which, I hope you have liked it, and I want to invite you to do something similar with your ditches and in this way evaluate your progress in the game, because, as I said, if you want to be a professional in this, far from what are rewards if not just talking about gameplay, you should always look at your data, as I already said, if you want to be professional in this, far from the rewards if not just talking about gameplay, you should always look at your data, so, with this recommendation I say goodbye and see you in the next one, where I will bring you very good information of the new cards of "Rebellion".

Sources: Tool for beaker007 | Splintercards

Without further reference, until the next "Splinterlords".

¡I invite everyone to join Splinterlands, the best game based on chains of blocks, full of adventures, battles, and strategies where you will have fun and get rewards according to your league!

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