My top 5 Great Bear Market P2E gaming buys - NFT giveaways

As 2022 comes to a close those of us still treading water in the Bear Market from H3LL, perhaps greet the future with trepidation. While not hopelessly optimistic I recognize opportunity when I see it, after all the worst way to begin a bull run is in the middle, no the safest place is ahead of the pack.

This is why todays post is all about using a Bear to beat the Bull, & get ahead of that market.

Disclaimer: I'm not a financial advisor, the following is intended for informational purposes only, & should not be viewed as financial advice.

No.1 Roller Coin

The best part of Roller Coin its hard to beat the low low price of free.

Of course I did Roller Coin has always been a free to play P2E game, however over years of playing this project it has only been profitable for everyone since updates 6 months ago.

Roller Coin players either play free flash games for temporary in game mining power, or earn / build / buy in game mining rig NFTs which grant permanent mining power.

While the in game mining power isn't a 1 for 1 on real life mining power, & is a game mechanic, the crypto 👆 Roller Coin pays out however is very real.

My build was for years stagnating at 20 THS a few mining rigs Roller Coin was not worth my time, Now however without spending a dime I have 12x that mining power 240 THS, this is finally worth my time.

How I earned $60 in mining rigs playing Roller Coin is very simple actually, just log in and do a few challenges daily.

Challenges earn you RST, RST can buy parts parts are then sold for RLT their stable $1 in Roller Coin, you use RLT to buy mining rigs / shelfs.

Season rewards for logging in daily usually feature Mining Rigs or temp hash power. Certain Special events crop up to I encourage you to take advantage of all their benefits.

Every day until February 14th players are greeted with a new unbeatable sale.

In the in game market P2P this miner sells for 1-2 RLT the same miner shown above I bought for 0.15 RLT. Like 90% off which is why I keep a small balance of RLT for last minute deals.

With the way Roller Coin works I view my permanent Mining power as a
passive earning mechanism Investment. Staking up on the crypto like DOGE, BTC, LTC, MATIC, BNB, & TRX while the markets low steadily via my Roller Coin mining power.

Want to give Roller Coin a try, its free, please consider using my referral link below to check them out.

It takes effort though to much at one time, roller Coin has to be played consistently to profit for free, those with some 🤑 to drop on Roller Coin my suggestion keep checking their twitter feed for sales. Roller Coins prices can be steep but the right sales make all the difference.

Until Feb 14th there are daily sales in Roller Coin.

No.2 Infernal Coliseum (HIVE)

Fairly obscure HIVE P2E with a faithful small following Infernal Coliseum seems to hook just about all that try it.


For me its the simplistic RPG raid mechanic, its easy to check off a to do list daily log in a few seconds & set my roaster(s).

Why their a smart buy off a Bear market, is the rewards pools which are good for the taking on some raids, savvy early players can stock up quite the stash of their crypto SOULS.

Hero NFTs are basically absent from the in game market you can literally control the whole market for like $10.

With 6 Hero NFTs on the P2P market total & these NFTs being required to play, you do the math.

Above is my answer, however this type of manipulation isn't my style just an observation.

The game is fairly simple you see the number on the far left that's the hero NFTs health, 100 is fairly low my lowest health on my units was around 100.

You increase stats by blending hero NFTs higher stats higher raid score higher profit, thus better stat Hero NFTs sell for more usually.

Another exploit they need to address I noted is the IXP / XP system 👇, the TLDR on that is the rewards pools require a certain level of XP to run each match.

XP is temporary IXP is a token that can be burned for instant XP, the players XP resets at the end of each season, while people scrap it out in the low XP rewards pools the top ones sit vacant.

Literal Rewards pools for the taking I'm not kidding here folks.

A bit of a risk but it will take very little to muscle ones self to the top on infernal coliseum.

For a bit of backstory over the years, I have hit top 5 players on 4 separate P2E games Crypto brew masters, Zombie Coin Miner, Beast Gardens, & NFT panda. These can be profitable positions to be in though difficult to maintain as popularity rises.

Which is why when a games decently made like this with a negligible player base, it doesn't hurt to go for the gold.

No.3 Hashkings BUDSX (HIVE)

Hashkings is a HIVE P2E game in which players can earn a myriad of crypto in cannabis related games. One such crypto is BUDS staking BUDS in game grants you another crypto BUDSX.

BUDSX when owned in sufficient volume airdrops you portions of HKGEN3 their gen 3 NFT packs.

Its a little obvious why this is a good buy the dirt cheap prices on BUDSX.

Last trade was

This is a shame because the rewards are finally worth while but no one seems to know.

I have $5 in BUDSX & 2 weeks in I have a 1/3 a pack, nothing beats a passive NFT mechanic.

It helps I designed both GEAR & BUDSX Coin art, these coins are distributed but fairly new which lead to a period of dormancy much like SPS with Splinterlands.

Getting ahead of trends is tricky, but the cheaper the buy the lower the risk this is why I stock up on long shot alts you never know its an active build.

Hashkings Dev team is responsible for many new projects coming to HIVE like Bang Defense, Infernal Coliseum, & more. This in addition to the game types & updates to Hashkings, I know its in my best interest to keep a stake in their various projects.

No.4 Splinterlands (HIVE WAX ETH)

This ones a obvious pick I dont have to defend my choice of investing in Splinterlands, after a video game makes you like a years salary you tend to trust it implicitly.

Are the market prices are low / the daily trade volume slipping?


So what, your wrong, I say to the free market your incorrect!

I have been here since BTC was $2,000, every little thing seems like it will derail the whole market, it may, the world may end, I live in a flight path, every day is the worst kind of lottery, one involving plane crashes.

The point is nothing is certain but from what I have observed there are more then a few Splinterlands Super fans out there (myself included).

Subjective markets are driven by fandom, assuming Blockchain weathers the storm I'm sure Splinterlands will keep on revolutionizing gaming.

What I made the most money on with Splinterlands was opening & or flipping packs, those chaos legion packs are not infinite. They are burning a fairly large number of the Chaos legion packs, given I can buy them now for roughly $1.40 each on a P2P market.

Buying at that price & then HODL the packs a few months regardless of market conditions, when scarcity takes hold the price will likely rise.

Yeah these cards are OP broken with their abilities & stats since its a promotional card that everyone will want I'm stocking up.

Subjective markets are driven by fandom, assuming Blockchain weathers the storm I'm sure Splinterlands will keep on revolutionizing gaming.

No.5 Hard to beat free (various)

Not all free P2E games have a solid chance at a future, its hard to even qualify most as games. This being said because there are so many P2E a few gems must be hidden in the rough.

I find solid P2E titles which are free or cheap to play (no gas fees) tend to have the larger followings & a usually more faithful player base.

So here are a few P2E freebies it wouldn't hurt to double down on.

Alien Worlds (WAX BSC)

Castle NFT (WAX)

Rising Star (HIVE)

Upland (EOS)
I could literally spam free P2E / Dapps all day literally wasting both of our time, the projects above are not only free but I see merit in the project.

There you have it a blast of P2E info straight to the dome.

My top 3 P2E games of the hundreds I have tested are Splinterlands, Alien Worlds, & Upland. Two of those are actually free to play see if you like that type of game & earn a little while doing it.

Blockchain Gaming Fad or FOMO

Its no secrete 2022 kicked cryptos a$$, I'm sure I'm not the only one licking financial wounds heading into 2023.

DefI to me at least was always suspect that number being mainly extortionary where the market is concerned.

While not all P2E games are legitimate its obvious there are a few many feel are worth their time & money,

My feeling has always been Blockchain can be a means by which we begin to fix a myriad digital commerce issues especially with gaming.

Blockchain is the bitter medicine the internet refuses to swallow, Blockchain gaming & NFTs are what make it palatable. NFTs have a horrific public image, but those of us in the know see their promise & potential.

Games have fans, investments have investors, given fandom is emotional, & investments are logical.

It stands to reason the bigger blockchain games will weather storms simple Defi only projects may not.

My opinion is Blockchain games are not a fad, they are the future, Blockchain needn't be thought of as strictly financial, perhaps instead thought of as fundamental.

Bonus Market Leads

Given at any one time I have thousands of NFTs for sale, certain market activity can become apparent that most are unaware of.

On HIVE since the end of November my sales of Muterra NFTs have shot up, selling in this market a little over $40 worth.

Some more actionable info, this time on a WAX NFT colection Zombie Coin Miner.
Both of these projects have massive updates igniting long dormant market interest, not a certainty, but any irregular activity in this market is note worthy.

WAX NFT Giveaway instructions

Every time I post on HIVE I do a few NFT giveaways, the first & larger 5 count WAX NFT airdrop URL which goes to the first user to click the link.

The next 5 WAX NFTs are given away to the first 5 users to comment their WAX wallet address, once I see the comment Ill send you a single WAX NFT followed by a reply stating I have done so. This is for the first 5 users only to leave their WAX address in the comments.

Yeah my giveaways being on WAX, I didn't want first time WAX users to hit a fee so instructions above full Reddit post below.

WAX web wallet

NFT Airdrop link / giveaway

This link below is claimed for free by the first WAX wallet user to click it, if your the lucky reader that claims the Airdrop please let others know via comments it helps.

All WAX NFTs featured in todays airdrop are connected to recently updated & there are 2 NFT packs for todays lucky reader.

Still getting rid of another 5 WAX NFTs all used in P2E games, all this as always totally free, First 5 WAX wallet users to comment their WAX wallet address will get an NFT sent to them.

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