Bludac WAX Defi, Gnocity, & more + 3 NFT airdrop(s)

Hot leads in the NFT section of the crypto industry truly a must read. Hodl God, XTM, TT crypto punks & so much more, now lets get into these play to earn games NFTs.

Play to earn games & vIRLs to powerhouses of the NFT industry, WAX is infamous for both. As WAXP prices hover just under a dollar WAX DeFi is really getting into its stride.

In half a year the WAX blockchain has grown before my very eyes, from something note worthy to something legendary. Today ill go over several projects on the WAX blockchain & some more Splinterlands content. First things First ill address the elephant in the room XTM (Torum).


If you haven't heard of Torum ore more likely signed up for it but haven't checked up on them lately. Torum is a blogging platform much like HIVE, read cash, leofinance, blurt, Steemit, PublishOx, & so many others.

Lately my 3rd WAX NFT airdrop has been given out on Torum, due mostly to their earned XTM finally being accessible for withdrawal.
This is big news as with the current price you can earn quite a bit blogging on Torum.
No one can predict the future & I'm not attempting to give financial advice, which is why I suggest you ern XTM for free instead of buying.
By completing missions on the Torum platform you can earn XTM, while XTM is trending at $2 or so I have reason to believe XTM hits $5 in a few months.
👆 I actually called the price correctly back in august, that was stage 1 of 5.

Of course it could turn bearish which is why I suggest earning it no financial loss that way.

In the event I'm right once the NFT market & DeFi portions of Torum are connected & fully launched the XTM price will at least double.
If I can read 1 thing its NFT collections, the talent behind the projects connected to the NFTs & a markets interest in the aforementioned project.

You know what this image shows me? The projects future, lets do some math to clear a few things up.

Price: 250 XTM only 50 blindboxes per account.
Available Boxes: 828/2994

This means at the current market price of 250 XTM currently trading at at $2.20 a piece meaning the Avatar NFT box on Torum costs roughly $550 USD a piece.

2,166 of the Avatar NFT Boxes have been sold for $550 meaning the avatar sale has made $1,191,300 & some change in a little over a week.

So instead of cutting & running with the XTM users saw fit to invest over $1,000,000 back into the platform. This shows it has some staying power, add to that Torum is well connected.
Kucoin & Huobi Both have vested interests in Torum
These blockchain juggernauts likely recognize the same thing I see in Torum potential + a determined team behind the project.
A complex plan that will be a reality soon, this is why I'm saying earn all the XTM you can.

Just for those whom may think I'm lying about getting XTM out of my account.
I'm testing everything I write about no tricks no BS
Nothing beats free $$$$ 🤑

Haven't tried Torum yet, you may want to fix that consider using my referral below 👇 start earning free XTM today.


Keeping this entry in the write up simple an Unboxing of a new Complex series pack.
Containing villains & pets these packs are rare so to are the Complex series NFTs.

Basically broke even but I will make up any losses selling the other packs I got.
Bludac added a GNOKEN liquidity pool

Finally there are teams or (guilds) on Gnocity now I already paid to start 1.
Still looking for members if you want to join

Leave your WAX address with the word Gnocity for a chance

WAX Yield Farms

Testing this new concept of DeFi for WAX alts Bludac
I utilize my free or extremely cheap WAX alts for the highest profit margin, BLU is awarded for supplying liquidity pairings.

No gas fees on WAX & these liquidity pools have been nothing but profit. Now why do you need to get into WAX DeFi WAX has the NFT & play to earn markets which are much more lucrative with DeFi.

WAX vIRL NFTs x Mainstream E-commerce Adoption with William Quigley at NFT.NYC 2021

Just a quick side stop watch this vid 👆 the Co founder of Tether / WAX says everything you need to understand about Videogames Tech & NFTs.

WAX is special for their founders views as a futurist how property digital or otherwise will be valued. Verifiable consumer goods never requiring excess shipping via vIRLs.

It is for these reasons & the explosion of play to earn this WAX DeFi is such a massive step.
Just look at how many WAX play to earn games exist currently
Now all these functional games with WAX alts have a secondary usage with DeFi.
Bludac is the only WAX DeFi yield farm service I got to function.
There are 2 Bludac requires a NFT pass to utilize it found here.

The other WAX DeFi system I cant get to work & has essentially robbed me (dont use)👇.
Bludac is so new the market isn't aware it exists for the most part its WAXs best kept secrete.

As many names as you can possibly hodl from this list there 👆 Notice the top dog ETH is nowhere to be found yeah AXI is there but its on a low Gas fee side chain called Ronin.
Like how CAKE Pancake Swap on BSC blew up months ago, I envision BLU Bludac will do the same as WAX comes into its own. Right now BLU trends at roughly $0.01 USD on average, but that has steadily been increasing as more & more companies projects get added to their list of liquidity pools.

Hell this crypto 👇paired with BLU LIFT a WAX alt known as Upliftium is literally mined by playing Minecraft.
What I'm getting at is all the new cutting edge blockchain games are being made now a days on WAX & WAX has been missing one thing strong DeFi.
Bludac solves this no gas fee DeFi for WAX alt projects you NEED to get into BLU yield farms.

Not the first time my intel beats the mainstream media to the punch I have beaten USA today more then once to the same story.

Got to catch em all

Pokémon cards are booming in price while Nintendo never will do anything correctly with their Pokémon IP. Their collectors and fan base have done it for them. This article describes how tangible real world Pokémon cards have found their way to blockchain.

Yeah real Pokémon card vIRLs this nostalgia boom of collectables & collectors have had a direct link to the NFT market.

Hodl God

I first mentioned When Staking & its connection to the game Hodl God a WAX play to earn a few weeks ago.👇

Since this post I have been checking into HODL God & the Collections like Void Elements connected to When Staking & VOID Hodl Gods crypto a WAX alt.
Onessus is the company that is involved with all of the projects on WAX connected to the VOID crypto. Onessus was the connecting thread, but one question remained why all this why right now all of a sudden?

New maps just got added to Hodl God 2 new PVP maps added to what is the most advanced blockchain game I have ever played.
So now the game has 3 PVP maps total new weapons & methods of increasing VOID rewards through When Staking.

I called this being something big 2 weeks ago, If your keeping score in this write up. I accurately predicted projects twice & gave you proof. Torum Price prediction back in august
Now the When Staking, Hodl God major improvements didn't know for sure what was up but I could tell it was far from normal.
Crazy right this game is a play to earn & its active on the WAX blockchain. Active multiplayer with NFT & crypto as possible rewards for winning PvP matches.
Like say a Venture capitalist's I look for a projects potential in regards to future market demand.
Onessus appears to be like Rfox Labs but still in its infancy, I like what I have seen with Hodl God & what they have done with VOID so far.
If you wreak at FPS tittles like Fortnight, Call of Duty, Destiny or HALO & you want to go pro Hodl god is the quickest path to Pro.

As far as I know Hodl God requires a P.C but it may be on IOS I'm not certain.
Buckle up this is just getting good


The game that Will always be my favorite no matter how many times I loose in ranked matches.

Anyone else think that Splinterlands Staff likes tormenting us with card leaks. I get it sounds like something I would do guess I'm just jealous I'm not the one doing the tormenting.
So excited for the Chaos legion cards on the 8th of December, as for Water being the Magic powerhouse

Kind of true but I can spec against water Magic builds when the opponent always plays water Splinter just use Magic Reflect
Whatever you are reliant upon something it becomes your weakness a tell so to speak.

Truly since what Elements you chose last are our only lead to go on but if your experienced enough it can be useful info.
I like my projects playing nice with one another Torum & Splinterlands winning combo.

Thunder Token Crypto Punks

Obviously modeling themselves after HIVE & ETHs recent success with the NFT line Crypto Punks. Thunder Token has just introduced a Crypto Punks NFT line, weather or not you intend to buy one is more or less irrelevant.

Time for some paranoid ramblings
While there never was a Pepe Silvia, there is a Huobi Global & what do they have to do with Thunder Token?

Quite a bit actually like Torum & their XTM Huobi Global has invested in thunder Token taking their game to the next level.
You actually can & I do mine this crypto for free it possesses its own mobile app that mines has NFT markets, gambling, a Bridge, DeFi, & games.

Now with Crypto Punk NFTs this Crypto is proving to be a serious contender & again its free to mine on your Mobile Device.
They actually have had a Thunder core Dapp as part of the top 10 games on Dappradar for almost a year now.
There is serious money already in this obscure Token & its ever growing library of Dapps. Like I called XTM, & VOID being something special. Call this Thunder Token or (TT) rally a prediction I have quite the track record with successful predictions with NFT collections & their connected Crypto.
Start mining Thunder Token for free or buy some of their TT crypto punks via my referral below👇 if you dont mind.

We all know what a smash hit the HIVE crypto punks where, Thunder Token may just be the next break out NFT hit.

You Mint a Thunder punk for 9000 TT Thunder Token
You can sell them on that same market or buy less rare ones for cheaper then the cost of minting.

Thunder Token Has an App that is a mobile wallet with a built in bridge you can deposit BSC or ETH alts they support like DIA or BUSD.

Just BSC, HOUBI, or ETH would also work if your intent is to buy a THunder Crypto Punk out of pocket.
Its a Blockchain modeled after TRX Tron, since its somewhat obscure still investment options are many with this Blockchain.

Though if your a blockchain baller on a budget its free to mine TT through the app.

Like Torum Huobi Global invested in Thunder Token as well as added talent to the project. Lots of Games, Gambling, & DeFi in the Thunder Token library of Dapps. Now they are adding Social media & NFT Dapps, A year ago this blockchain was a joke now a penny USD is the joke currency between the two.

I may sound crazy supporting this project but I sounded crazy telling people to support Torum XTM & WAX as well.

Crazy like a loaded fox, Huobi is the company that makes Challenging shots seem easy. Instead of kicking yourself on this one like we all did with Torum XTM take Thunder Token seriously.

Not trying to spam my referral 👆 as its a app I dont have the normal URL.


A Crypto of note on Hive Engine XCHAOS while at first I was skeptical of its legitimacy, as I'm a contractor by trade we are shady by nature.
My fears where put to bed when Splinterlands official account shouted them out on twitter.


Worried about missing out on Chaos Legion and want to get guaranteed packs?

The TLDR is

Too Long, Didn't Read: Buy XCHAOS and get guaranteed Chaos Legion packs + airdrop values. Go to

Bought on the Spike

WAXP prices have been fairly high lately but when it hit nearly $1 I went on a NFT shopping spree.
Just a guess it may rally but I never put everything into NFTs or just crypto a healthy balance.
Aiming for play to earn games on WAX as stocking up on Metal Wars NFTs, or NFT panda NFTs has never been cheaper.
Metal War I have been waiting months to actually afford to play, unfortunately the online PvP portion is now inaccessible. However the single player portion wors fine its just no where near as cool.

The PvP portion of Mettle Wars is a RTS(Real Time Strategy) game on the WAX blockchain.

Mettle Wars is a Little clunky & the single player is boring, but the online portion of the game is awesome it will just cost you over a thousand dollars to play.

While not exactly a seller market at the moment there are purchases in the NFT realm that are not strictly for resale. Such as game items or even packs of NFTs, hell even stocked up on some cheaper WAX alts.
Farming Tales Crypto 👆 Alien Worlds Crypto 👇
Not much money but I doubled the value on the purchase & HODL of each.
When the bear & the bull battle over WAX the market wins no matter the victor.

Talk about lucky

There is a Mohamed Ali colection on WAX that cam out a few months back. When it first launched I bought a few packs & still owned one I didn't sell apparently.

I came across the 5 count clastic pack in my inventory, thought what the hell & opened it.
Here I am thinking the pack was a total loss & there was $350 NFT in it. Talk about lucky I cut $50 off it I'm sure there are still
fans out there that would be happy to have one.
Here is the NFT in question one of the Championship photos of which only 18 exist, only 11 in circulation & 3 for sale including mine.
Transaction as proof It is indeed from a pack
The official site of the colection, latter that same day....

A medium Mine on Zombie Crypto Miner from a $0.35 Exploration ticket.
Granted I loose much more then win but it really doesn't matter in volume I profit.
$172 in profit once sold not bad off $0.35

Kogs Slam Goes to Beta

Been ignoring this play to earn game & NFT colection as I did quite a few write ups on KOGs & so much is happening between HIVE & WAX.
For starters the Alpha Game switches to a public beta soon which is monetized with an RFOX pay out for PvP.
Now before this only access was invite only closed Betas or the original alpha test which I had joined months ago. Now with all the kinks worked out by me & other alpha testers as well as the great team at Rfox labs I can say for sure KOGs slam P2E game will be a smashing success.

In other news KOGs set a new sales record 👇
My intention is to bring you readers new info which is why I have been ignoring KOGs for the most part.

With these new sales records & how fun the KOGs play to earn game is I thought I should remind everyone of this colection.

KOGs Slam will be on a combination of 3 Blockchains WAX, BSC, & ETH all synced through your Rfox labs account.
Not that my intent is to give investment advice, simply to inform readers of leads I'm currently acting on for my own portfolio.

RFOX was a lead I mentioned back a few months prior that I was buying into.
Around August to be exact
You see a combination of being an alpha tester for the KOGs Slam play to earn game Alpha & a closer look into RFOX labs as a whole . This Gave me enough insight to basically spot a sure thing, I prefer a sure thing compared to something strictly speculative.

I can be wrong but its usually a question of patience.
From $0.05 to $0.22 a piece, generally hinging my bet on several projects I feel have good odds of a price spike.

Farming Tales

A Hive alumni @farmingtales has been all over crypto twitter the last 2-3 days.
This is due to the gameplay footage released on their twitter showcasing farm building features.
My dumb ass had a pack now worth $2,000 I short sold, but we live we learn you know. Besides the dumb financial decisions I made could buy an Island.
In my pursuit to make a buck on these WAX tittles to expensive to buy into via their NFTs, I have found that their crypto makes a far more reasonable option.
Think of it like buying into DEC because you knew something Big (SPS Airdrop) was going to happen.
This cost me 5 WAX originally & I got 170 for 12.50 WAX, but I have some in the Bludac Liquidity pool.
At any rate this SEST Token (Traded here👆) is used for in game NFT purchases so it makes SEST the cheapest way to benefit
2,500 SEST is still fairly pricey but the point is you buy & Hodl the crypto & take advantage of those without the same foresight.

Also entirely possible in game purchases get cheaper like when they add Hemp Growing in a few months.



Dont miss out on what will be WAX blockchains biggest game other then Splinterlands but that's more a HIVE game supported on WAX.

One of 3 WAX NFT airdrops, containing 4 NFTs each posted first to Hive then shortly after a second one goes on my post to Publish OX & the 3rd & final airdrop on my Torum.

You can find updates here, ill try to post the second URL from PublishOx & 3rd Torum URL in the comments.

If your the lucky reader please let other readers know via comments it helps.

Social Media Second airdrop link PublishOx
Hive profile
Hive referral
NFT airdrops after Hive
Join publish Ox
Join Torum
I accept donations if you feel like supporting more fantastic airdrops & ok posts. You can share / upvote via HIVE or PublishOx.

Donate WAX NFTs or Crypto here:


or here
My Twitter is linked to both Mask Network & Brave content creators, so you can also donate MASK or BAT to my twitter.
Under no obligation to do so it simply goes to increase the Airdrops & Possible future NFT give away events.

Torum Gifts also count as donations & are appreciated.

Still 2 slots left on my Gnocity Team Interested in joining leave your WAX address + Gnocity in the comments.
My recent 1v1 matches👆

I just need 2 more people that play the game as I'm signed up for the 6v6 Team battle $15,000 Top prize split 6 ways. A team costs around $15 7,000 GNOKEN you may join my team for free.

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