Lily Sheildpaw On Rock 🪨 | Kindness Rocks

Hello Everyone!

I am here with many rocks infront of me. Don't worry i will not throw these on anyone. I will just make them beautiful with the help of my creative hands 😉.

The very first difficulty is to select one stone out of these many. I have collected these stones from Mathematics department of my university. As my university is located in middle of hills so it's easy to find rocks and stones around you.

I selected one stone out of these collected stones. After selecting one stone, i put all the other stones in my bag to use them next time.

I picked my acrylic colors to makeup this stone. Same like makeup, i have to apply base ( not that base of makeup but just white color) 😅.
I applied white color over the stone. It's looking smooth and plain now.

The face which i selected to make is a character from Spinterlands. It's Lily Shieldpaw which is more like teddy bear or may be it's teddy bear in real.

Why Teddy Bear 🧸?

Actually, when i saw Lily Sheildpaw it suddenly reminded me of all the teddy bears which are in the hands of children. It also reminded me of my childhood days when i used to have one orange color teddy bear which became rough with the passage of time. Now it's lost in the whirl of time and i miss those bygone days of innocence.

Now children do exist but their childhood things are changed and modified. At our times, there was no such thing like touch mobiles or any advanced electronic devices but these children of recent times are much entrenched in electronic devices and are absorbed in the digital world of mobile.

In all these thoughts of childhood and digital world, i tried to recollect the old time and started coloring the teddy bear( Lily Sheildpaw) to remind myself of my childhood.

Coloring itself is perfect reminder which brings me back to my school days. I still remember that in fifth standard i won a prize for coloring the human veins on chart. Although prize was just 50 ruppees but it was happiness that was ever lasting in my heart and in my memory.

I was mixing some colors to bring another color of my preference that i can use in teddy bear. Color mixing is trick because it needs a little more focus that which color you should mix to bring another one.

I am not kidding but initially, this shieldpaw was looking like a fox to me. I was just about to cry and just to leave it but then i thought that i will not leave it incompletely. Rather, i will complete it and make it good.

It's eyes were looking bit odd and strange to me because intially i colored wrong color in them. Later on, i got to know that i have to color red color in the eyes and have to sprinkle a little white in them.

Hmmm, after a little time spending and struggle_ Lily Sheildpaw is looking great. I am so glad to see the outcome of my efforts. This really took my three hours to do each and every detail as i am not much good with drawing and painting but i tried my best.

I gifted a keychain to my younger sister. It's plushies by @artbeat. I added that keychain to capture a photo that will look good together.

My cousin was requesting me to gift this colorful rock to him. I gave this Lily Sheildpaw to Daniyal as a gift and he kept it in his room.

I hope you enjoyed my blog and my talkative mood in the blog!

Original Picture

See you next 🌸 💮 🌼
All pictures are original.


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