Transformer Safety Check ,, We Get Reports From the Community via Call

Hii all my friends in hive blogchain Community....



Before we do work, we are always given good and correct directions or procedures by our superiors and group leaders.

today my colleagues and I carried out our mandatory activities, namely checking the meters of residents' houses which had some minor damage, today I am on duty on the Sumatran highway, Panggoi, Muara Dua, lhokseumawee city, aceh.

In that area, there were several reports by the village head that there were residents' meters that had damage and abnormal payments.

after we checked in the area and we didn't find the meter was badly damaged there were only a few meter wires that bitten the rat and even then it wasn't a dangerous cable.



and it turns out that we found a meter that exploded or caught fire caused by being exposed to rainwater, not the wrong time of installation, but this is still our responsibility as PLN field officers.

Fortunately, there were no casualties and the only damage to the house was the charred wall paint caused by the fire that spread throughout the meter.

problems like this almost every day when it rains we meet, usually the meter is too low or close to the drain pipe on the second floor, the way to anticipate this is quite easy, namely just using a tarp when it's raining or the meter is raised from its previous position .



After repairing the meter of the house that exploded, we immediately moved to the road transformer, where usually if there is a meter in the house that burns, there must be a part of the transformer that is damaged, caused by the flow of electricity traveling with excess capacity.

after we checked everything was lucky there was no damage at all, there was only a cable that was about to be replaced with a cable that we replaced again,

here's a little description from me,

I invite @ocd and team , @theycallmedan
and all other high-ranking officials that I cannot mention one by one, I see that there is no special electricity community here yet, and please welcome remarks....

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