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My Experience as a Mechanic

My dad was someone who hardly trusted anyone at all, so because of this, he made sure servicing and repairs on both generators and vechiles were done at our home, as a young inquisitive, machine lover I always hanged around while the mechanics do their job, little by little I was able to diagnose problems associated with mostly generators, and after a while I was able repair most faults in Gens.


One day, I went to a friends place to collect some songs, but I met him battling with his generator, so I offered to help, I got to know it was the carburetor ( the carburetor is responsible for controlling and obtaining the correct ratio of fuel needed in the engine), so whenever it's faulty your machine won't come on, because the device to provide the fuel needed (which is the carburetor) will either supplies too little, too much, or no fuel at all.


Sorry I couldn't find a closer picture.

So I got a new carburetor and fixed it, while fixing the carburetor my friend mum was kind of doubting if I really knew what I was doing, but I assured her I could do it. After fixing it, we tried to put the generator on but it won't bulge, after a lot of trials and checks, we finally gave up on it and it made me sad.

Later that evening, my friends mum told me, they called an engineer to check the Gen out, and they found out everything I did was okay, but the fuel in the tank was low, so fuel wasn't flowing to the carburetor. At that moment, i felt like an complete idiot, normally that should have been the first thing I should have checked, but how it escaped my mind I could not say. She told me that, the moment they added more fuel and put it on, it came on. I just felt so incompetent at that moment.


One thing I love about machines, is their oneness/wholeness every part has itsown different function, if you miss one part out, the rest will only stare you in the face (like they are avenging their left out brother).

But really that experience was painful, I could only imagine how I would have felt if I was able to successfully put on that Gen, I would have felt like a hero to them, but I messed it all up with one simple negligence. So ever since then, I've always made sure I double checked the supplies, before and after any repair I'm conducting.


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