My Car Broke Down, But A Good Citizen Helped Me Out


Time flys but the memories still fresh like a fresh wound on the surface of my skin. on that day I wasn't supposed to embark on that journey, had all the excuses in the world to disembark even before embarking on it. the signs where so clear that even a blind man could see nature wasn't in agreement to the journey.but despite all the signs my disobedient nature got the best of me.

So I left my house for the airport hoping to get get a flight that would take me to my destination but on getting to the airport the last flight just took off before my very own eyes. confused would be an understatement if someone was to describe the state of my mind at that particular point in time. But as they say "never give up not even when you get your goal in sight". that was my consolation quote that day. So I had to take a road trip to my destination, not even considering the fact that the time wasn't in my favour.

I took my car made sure I had more than sufficient gas that could take me on the trip and off I went, after driving for about an hour, that if my memory serves me right. my tire got punched by a sharp object which was on the road. At first I wasn't that worried because I thought I had a spare tire in my truck but on getting the spare tire out I noticed it was deflated which means I had to find a way to inflate it and that alone was almost impossible because I wasn't with the equipment to carry out such a job and I was currently in the middle of nowhere.

I had to wait by the road side for hours before I was able to to get a kind hearted man who was kind enough to lend me his spare tire. installing the tire on my car wasn't an easy task but with the assistance of the man I was able to install it.


At the latter end on getting to my destination I was already late for what I went for and all my time, the stress and resources where all wasted. if only I listened to all the signs at the initial time and didn't bother embarking on this journey.........

Till date I still call the man and appreciate him for helping me, thank you all for reading. Stay blessed.

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