The Bloody Sports of Antiquity: The Fights for Life and Death in the Arenas of the Imposing Roman Empire

The Bloody Sports of Antiquity: The Fights for Life and Death in the Arenas of the Imposing Roman Empire

Greetings to all those present in this vast digital space. In this post i will try to expose one of the most popular sports competitions of the ancient world - ok, just the essence of those activities. The most popular and bloody events, in which the participants risked their lives - simply those competitors often gave their lives under the ecstatic eyes of countless spectators of those bloody confrontations. Those bizarre and macabre gladiatorial fights and deadly competitions in the arenas of the Roman Empire.
Well, now we are all aware that the vast majority of those who participated in those horrible Roman arenas were often chosen from the category of prisoners and slaves captured in the battles of the Roman Empire in those times of antiquity. Ok, it's interesting that they often entered those bloody competitions, even those who had a fairly considerable financial debt to certain important citizens of that empire. Gladiators, were among the most famous figures of ancient Rome. Those brutal battles filled the arenas with thousands of spectators and, according to historians, many prisoners and slaves were often exposed and forced to fight those gladiators in order to survive.

Ok, one of the most famous gladiators in history was the Thracian Spartacus, who according to historians throughout his life would have proved to be one of the fiercest enemies of this huge empire. From the status of a Thracian soldier, who was captured and sold as a slave in Capua, he will eventually persuade over 70 gladiators to revolt against the one he had bought. Following the bloody revolt in which many important citizens of Capua lost their lives, the gladiators took refuge at the foot of Mount Vesuvius. On their way they free many slaves, thus forming a large and powerful army that aimed to destroy Rome. Interestingly, even women often end up playing that brutal gladiator role. They could fight in the arena with another fighter or simply with wild animals trained to kill. Many times those arenas were transformed into hunting grounds for animals, reserved exclusively for emperors.
Even if those battles could give them fame and glory, the vast majority of gladiators competed out of a desire to regain their freedom. Some historians claim that the competitions were so bloody that the participants became famous only by surviving them. Those gladiators who had the chance, of course, the luck and the skill to regain their freedom were called rudiari. For example, the fight between Priscus and Verus, a famous fight that would have taken place for several hours, under the eyes of the spectators. They would have lowered their swords on the sand of the arena, only out of respect and admiration for each other. It is supposed that after this gesture, the heated public approved with their cheers and the emperor Titus offered them both a rudis (A small wooden sword inscribed - it was like a testament that gave gladiators freedom and respect in Roman society ).
Interestingly, many of those slaves, captured and trained by training to be gladiators, began to enjoy being applauded by the cheers of the audience, that intense pleasure of being in the spotlight, so that even if they were offered that rudis those offered freedom, they wanted to continue fighting. One of those gladiators awarded rudis was a Syrian slave, Flamma. He would have been awarded rudis 4 times, but the truth is that he continued to give a show in the arena to his fans.

As we can see, in ancient times the pleasures of life were completely different. Indeed, at present the entertainment is very varied, and we humans have at our disposal a wide range of activities through which we can relax. Possibly one of the reasons is that at that time there were not so many resources, but people were just as inventive and showed over time that they can take advantage of what they have at hand. Well now we are at another level where competitive sports are no longer so bloody or violent - a level where all competitors are morally obliged to respect the lives and integrity of other participants. All the best to everyone.

Note:- the images present in this post are taken from the website

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