What will be the fate of Jurgen Kloop after the lost to Arsenal fc

If you are observant enough as to the extent of taking closer look to something you will noticed that Jurgen Kloop in not happy about what is happening with his team right now. Come to think of it, which person on earth will be happy that he is not succeeding. I know they are persons like that but that is not the case at hand right now. I must admit that with all the things happening with the Liverpool fc team I will urge everyone to take it easy on us. We all knows that the team is not performing well just the way we wanted it but we have to use our brain, we can't just kill ourselves because we are not getting the much needed result. I know it is so painful seeing that we are struggling like this but truth be told, I saw all this coming, I know a day will come that we will battle through such fate. I know how I was shouting almost everyday base on how I saw Liverpool fc performing during their preseason encounter, while I was lamenting people were saying that we should not panic that things will surely be fine. Assuming that when I was shouting that they spotted it and got it all corrected I believe that my team Liverpool fc won't have been struggling like this.


I must admit that Liverpool fc with this current bad season have lost alot of record. One of the record is that for about three years now, Liverpool fc have not lost two (2) matches in a row. Just imagine how we have started loosing out on our very good record, this is really painful I must admit. Before I progresses further I just want to hit it on the head that assuming the team and the head coach Jurgen Klopp followed my advice by signings good midfielders to the team we won't have been passing through all this. They all knows and saw this coming but they pretend as if this it is not an issue. They have always believed that Jurgen Klopp will be able to make do of what he has, they never knew that all the team in the world are currently tightening their squad as they are all preparing to give the best performance. With such in place they all went into the transfer windows to make good signings while my team Liverpool fc thinks there is no need for such.

With every matches played we all are seeing it that our midfield is completely dying, we don't have any good person powering it again. I believe at this stage that Jurgen Klopp should do without the likes of Fabinho, Thiago Alcantara, Jordan Henderson and James Milner. We need more vibrant person in the team and the midfield especially. As per the attack, after watching the Liverpool fc match against Arsenal fc I must admit that we don't need some certain players there. Players like Mohammed Salah should be sitting on bench since he does not wants to perform well. Just take a look at his performance yesterday, he is good as dead. This is simply because he didn't for once contribute anything meaningful to the team, he was the one contributing badly to the progress of the team. He contributed badly to our build up and performance yesterday. I will love to see Luiz Diaz, Darwin Nunez and Diego Jota upfront as compared to seeing Mohammed Salah playing upfront. Mohammed Salah have lost a lot of good form so I believed he should be rested. If you take note you will see that with the introduction of Luiz Diaz, Darwin Nunez, Mohammed Salah and Diego Jota upfront we were able to play a little bit better compared to how we have been playing ever since.


As per the defence I think it is time we do without Van Dijk, he is not improving the defence just like how we knows him to be back then. We all knows how Van Dijk has been a commanding force when it comes to the defence and as at a time with his good performance he was able to win a lot of award. Well, as for me I will say gone are those days when we are referring to Van Dijk as a driving force but right now he is no longer the driving the force in the team. We need restructure the team by making sure that we sign good defenders to the team. We need to sign one or two defenders to the team as this will helps out on so many things. With what I have hinted above I believe Liverpool fc have little or no thing to do right at this stage other than to make sure that they seat and wait on January transfer window before they got things corrected.

Photos from YouTube


I will end the post here, if you have anything else to say please air your view by commenting under this post.

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