The story //4//9//2021

Hello friends, I hope you are all well. I am also well by the grace of Allah and I pray to Allah Almighty to keep you healthy and fit. May Allah Almighty grant you long life. May Allah Almighty bless your family. May Allah Almighty increase your sustenance and may Allah grant you halal and keep the shadow of your parents forever


Friend woke up early in the morning after exercising as usual I went to take a bath. When I came back to take a bath, breakfast was ready. After resting, I cut the grass into small pieces and put them in front of the animals and a friend called me and said that they are finished. You must come. Then I got ready, took the motorbike out of the house and went to the friend's house. When I reached my friend's house, I finished. I started reciting the Quran. Mufti said goodbye and then we started eating rice.


And then I came to my house and after using Facebook for a while I fell asleep. When I woke up it was about five o'clock. Then there was a party program with our house. I went there. After the anchor was arranged, we ate the anchor and then after playing football for a while, the evening call started and then I came back to my house.


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