Soccer: fun and beneficial

It's always fun to watch people playing soccer together. It comes with a lot of thrills seeing beautiful display of talents and passion for the game. Truely I became convince that the passion for sports is not only in the hearts of the youngsters but also the aged ones love being on the turf and enjoy every bit of thier time playing soccer.

I conduct a program where folks above 30 years play soccer and have great fun from it from time to time. They come together every weekend to play soccer and meet their fellow soccer players and former teammates and the bond gets stronger by the day.

Its one thing to work for money during the weekdays, and its another thing to make out time to keep the body and mind active and that's what sports affords us whenever we engage in it. I felt the need to bring to my beloved readers on hive, the benefits of soccer for every category of persons.

First, I must say that soccer is a game of fun however we consider it. Sometimes we get to bond with friends and folks while on the pitch and other times we are feeling the excitement and the intensity of our kinetic actions.

Our social skills is often developed when we bond with friends as we engage in sports activities. We see reasons to laugh, talk and engage our minds without much pressure on our thoughts. This is so good as it helps us have a mental revitalization and builds our social connections with others.

Also, this is a beautiful and simply way to exercise the body. Physical exercise would definitely have a huge long and short term benefits to the body and mind as we engage in it. It helps the aged become fit and active for daily activities at home and at workplace.

I train a group of over 30 years old on soccer and they have been very grateful for the benefits of playing soccer during the weekends. We often go out very early in the morning of every Saturdays to do some stretching, juggling and play some good exciting soccer. This has helped build stronger bonds for old time friendships, create new relationships and keep the mind and body active for a busy week for many folks.

The goal of this engagement is to have fun and be physically fit for the aged ones and folks with busy schedules during the week. However, many latent goals have also been realized from this simple activity we engage ourselves in at the weekend. One of which is an improvement in relationships and sex life of couples who engage in our free program as they become physically fit to carry out their marital responsibilities in their homes.

Playing soccer is simple, fun and its beneficial to the body and mind. You may want to try it at your leisure amid your busy days and you would be thankful you did.

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