
The standing is arranging itself pretty quick for the remainder of the season.
It is almost like last year except Manchester City on top instead of Liverpool.
Arsenal is at #10 and hopefully they can climb a little. West Ham with Lingard
are looking vigilant to stay in top 5.

Not sure for Leicester. The rest of the season is smooth easy for them. Tottenham
has found glory with Bale helping the front end to stay acute. I wish the best for Bale
to remain and help Tottenham next year to be a threat.

The bottom ten look fun as well. Relegation is pretty much in the bag for Sheffield. Unless
they can pull a remontada like never before. Fulham can move mountains if they can pull couple upsets with goal differential. Brighton or Fulham do not have an easy schedule closing the season.
It will be a teeth battle. West Brom is another story with limited possibility.



Newcastle and Burnley need to continue winning games to be safe. Somebody will be relegated.
This season it will not be Leeds United. Coming up this year to the EPL, they did start hot and now right in the middle of the pack. They are getting accustomed with this new environment. The competitiveness of the EPL is fun to watch. Lately Liverpool is losing games they should not lose.

Great time to be a Chelsea fan. Today with agile plays, they won this match. I just do not like the back passes where any mistake, they can be in trouble. Werner is still not taking his chances to score. Maybe he is a threat but no score at all in a game where chances are there for him.

Top four is looking promising every remaining match. West Ham and Everton are in a good place.
Not sure if they can hold on to it while Tottenham and Liverpool would do anything to grab these places. Season closing approaching it will be a neck to neck battle for the best place ever.

Chelsea with Tuchel look solid in defense. Thiago is getting ready to bring his A game. I heard the cry for Haaland to come over. If he did someone got to leave. Pulisic could be part of the players leaving
next season. Abraham is absent lately. As a stricker, scoring goals put you on the first team.
This is something Chelsea will gradually do better next year.
Has your team holding on ?

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