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My Road to Fitness: Week 4

Another week has flown by and I sit here typing this while feeling a lot of aches in my muscles haha, so starting to feel the burn!
I find that sharing this with you on the blockchain helps me to keep motivated and I hope it motivates other people as well!

The Numbers

Alright let's dive straight into it as the numbers don't lie...

I did my fair share of cycling again, it was a lot harder going this week because of horrible weather and wind! All rides are to and from work.
I did 3 workouts: 2 strength and 1 cardio
And I did 2 walks

I weighed in this morning at 95.6 kg saying goodbye to 0.6kg, hopefully for good! Total weightloss is 1.4 kg now!

What went well this week

I am really happy I did 3 workouts this week in the gym!

My gym gave me this nice badge for it haha. But I am really happy with it, I am starting to feel better when I go to the gym, no longer feel like I am dying every time haha. I even did deadlifts and benchpresses again for the first time in years!

I'm also happy with the weightloss, after 2 weeks of stuck at 0.4kg I now increased it a bit, so yay!

What I want to improve for next week

I really need to walk more. It is difficult to go outside for walks now that fall is here with the cold and the rain but I just need to get over myself and do it! I would also like to move a bit more in the weekend, my sundays are usually just very lazy haha so they can be improved upon.

I'll let you know next week how I fared! What about you? You happy with your progress this week?