Motivation to train


It's hard, really hard to stay motivated to exercise, keep fit and train and it doesn't get any easier the older you get. I sometimes look at older men and women who haven't had kids with envy. All that free time and freedom.


But I wouldn't trade this for the world, not one bit of it. Today I was back in the office and a 7.6hr day turned into a 12hr day due to my commute. I was drained, tired and just wanted to go to sleep. But kids are kids and they miss you, I cherish every moment of these times because like me I bet once they hit their teenage years they will knick off and not want to know me.

I had to mix training up a little tonight, I needed a break and I was exhausted I knew if I had of gone into the garage like lastnight I got distracted by images I found in a photo book of me as a youth.


You can find me in school year book images, topless and buff. Look at those abs! My partner and I have been together since school and I said to her last night. How does it feel to have locked down the sexiest man in school? she then said to me I don't know, what happened to you? I chuckled and under my breath utter the word you she didnt hear me thankfully.

I was pretty full on into sports as a kid, didn't matter what it was I was there. WWE wrestling was big back then and like all kids Hulk Hogan, then the rock were my fav. WCW oh how I miss my early Saturday mornings as a kid. I'd rush to the T.V and sit there for the hour as people wrestled. Then head into school the following week to try out my moves.

I once got into a school yard fight and rock bottomed someone. My friend Dale shouted Rock bottom, rock bottom, rock bottom and everyone cheered. I was then usher off to detention.


Tonight's session was really hard to get through and as I'm at a gym I have access to a treadmill which ment running! I remember in lockdown when I switched from running to riding my bike. It was a hard transition as I hadn't rode for many years.

I jumped on the treadmill cranked it to 10mph and anticipated I'd be able to do my 25min warm up. Nope, I failed. I managed 10 minutes at 7.5mph I was absolutely devastated. Running is something I really enjoy and when I'm on deployment in emergency management I run every day. At least 5 - 10kms I do it slowly but it's the best way to take in the sights and scenes of the local area that I'm in. I've been sent to some really beautiful remote areas.

Townsville in Queensland was hard, only managed 4kms a day we were staying on magnetic Island and I managed to see the whole thing. It was hard to run around not just the incline but the tropical heat.


Tonight I got through a leg workout and I have to admit, legpress machines are underrated, I haven't got one at home and I've found these are great for really building your leg muscles and extends to your glutes. You can also use it for calves if you use your tippy toes. It's quite challenging to focus your calves and alot of people don't which gives them an odd appearance and the famous saying of chicken legs.

I finished off with some squats and lunges and then stuck around abit talking to the other gym rats I haven't seen in over a year due to COVID. It helps to stay motivated when you train with friends, you just need to remember to keep the pace up otherwise you will cool down and stop building.

What are some of your training tips to remain motivated to train? Do you have a favourite sound track you listen to or do you have a way to stay pumped? Let me know in the comments section below.

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