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Here's Reggie!

Greetings, Fellow Three-Point Shooters!

Calm down, Reggie's not yet here. It was me, all along.

About a week ago I did share a report on one of my most uncommon daily activities. Nowadays, that is. Back in my younger youth, I would spend hours daily on the basketball court. Now, I consider myself lucky whenever I find the time to do so. Going back to the habit started this autumn, actually.
The report was about shooting a hundred times from the three-point line and counting the successful throws. You can check it out Here. That first attempt brought me to the 25% accuracy line which was pretty high for me.

Since then, I have decided to repeat the practice whenever possible and see if I can reach that level again. And, in time, improve.

25 Out Of 100 Day DE.jpg
A Daylight version of the image I drew back then for that night session.

Last Saturday, I went for double the practice. One session in the morning and another one in the early afternoon. With just a walk, a lunch, and another walk in between.

Although I was not able to beat the 25 out of 100 score, I reached 24. With scoring the last two out of those twenty-four during attempts number ninety-eight and…

…wait for it…

…one hundred.

And the funniest part was, I actually did say in an audible way, albeit in a whisper while gathering myself for the shot…

Here’s Reggie! Reggie!!!

Summoning the spiritual aid of a great three-point shooter from the past. Reggie Miller, an Indiana Pacers legend.

And it worked.

Have you done something as embarrassing but also as effective as of late?

So, 24 out of 100 and 21 out of 100 might seem worse than the initial 25 out of 100 but…

…When practicing any skill, it’s not always about the numbers. It’s about building up consistent quality. In this case, it’s about forearm and wrist strength, about hand-eye coordination, about technique, about confidence.

…While I was failing, I observed some minor change happen. I was failing better than before.

Missed shots are missed shots, but lately they have become closer to scored shots than the missed shots of the previous session. Many a time the ball would circle on the inside of the ring before eventually flying out.

Anyway! Today I went back to the court for a few minutes, doing another session. I could feel some improvement already. I scored 27 out of 100.

A new All Time High.

Peace and Verbal Conjuration!

