100k Sports Staked Goal reached

I have finally reached another SPORTS goal of 100k SPORTS staked. To build up my first 50k staked, it took well over a month but this time it only took 17 days to double it to 100k. Below is some of the things I did on the SPORTS community that helped me. I also want to improve my stake in the SPORTS community so my vote has a higher weight in the upcoming proposals.

Below is the my current stake and what was staked today.

Sports stake.png

sports taked 100k.png

Engagement project
I participated in @amr008's engagement project and have received some rewards for it. Read this post to learn more about it. This encourages people to comment through the SPORTS talk front end. It will help our community by increasing visits to the actual site and increase ad revenue.

I have also posted my Actifit everyday. One of the reasons why I decided to use Actifit is to keep myself healthy by keeping track of how many steps I take. My goal is to maintain 10k steps per day because I have stopped doing as much activity after the lock downs started. I also add in to my reports about my WAX passive income strategy and how well it is going. It involves two games and by staking the NFTs I earn, I can generate some crypto every hour.

Next SPORTS goal
My next goal is to get 200k SPORTS power and I want to see if I can reach this by the end of March. There are many things to be excited about in the SPORTS community as there are many proposals about the how to use the ad revenue, diesel pools and the controversial burn tax amount. Either way, everyone will have a say in what happens using their stake in the community.

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