Un gigante del boxeo [ESP] - A boxing giant [ENG]

Buenas noches queridos y apreciados lectores. Hoy, les voy a escribir acerca de la trágica historia del boxeador, Prichard Colón, esperando sea de su agrado.

Good evening dear and valued readers. Today, I am going to write to you about the tragic story of the boxer, Prichard Colón, and I hope you like it.


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Prichard Colón, nació en Maitland-Florida, el 19 de Septiembre del año 1992, es un exboxeador profesional Estadounidense-Puertorriqueño, que debuto profesionalmente el 23 de Febrero del 2013, ganando sus primeras 16 peleas, de las cuales 13 fueron por nocaut (KO).Colón, obtuvo fama al ganar 5 campeonatos nacionales.

Prichard Colón, born in Maitland-Florida, on September 19, 1992, is an American-Puerto Rican former professional boxer, who debuted professionally on February 23, 2013, winning his first 16 fights, 13 of which were by knockout (KO).Colón, gained fame by winning 5 national championships.

Fue un boxeador con mucho temple; era una promesa para el mundo del boxeo. Para Prichard, el boxeo era su sueño y su pasión, amaba todo lo que hacia dentro del Ring.

He was a fighter with a lot of mettle; he was a promise for the boxing world. For Prichard, boxing was his dream and his passion, he loved everything he did inside the ring.


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A su corta edad, logro alcanzar su sueño, pero la alegría le duro muy poco, ya que durante una pelea contra Terrell Williams el 17 de Octubre del 2015 , su carrera fue truncada. Dicha pelea duro 9 rounds, durante los primeros episodios, Colón, era el favorito. En los episodios medios, Williams, tomo ventaja, durante la pelea ambos boxeadores fueron penalizados, donde Williams le propino a Colón golpes bajos, llamados golpes de conejo, pero en el 7mo rounds, Williams, logro algo que ningún boxeador había podido hacer contra Colón, el cual fue tumbarlo. En el 9no round, Williams, llevo a Colón dos veces a la lona y con duras penas Colón pudo terminar ese rounds; le quitaron los guantes pensando que era el rounds final, pero no fue así. Colón, al no salir al décimo rounds perdió por descalificación. Una vez terminada la pelea, la mamá de Colón trato de sentarlo en una silla y este comenzó a caerse y a vomitar. Su mamá le preguntaba como se sentía y el le respondió: "Mami estoy mareado y no puedo ver". Por tal motivo, fue trasladado de emergencias al hospital donde los médicos determinaron que los golpes le provocaron una hemorragia cerebral que lo dejo en coma por 221 días, dejándolo en un estado vegetativo persistente, lo único que Prichard puede hacer independientemente es respirar. Su mamá no puede dejarlo, solo tiene un tubo para alimentarlo, posee una bolsa de colostomía para sus necesidades fisiológicas.

At his young age, he achieved his dream, but the joy was short-lived, because during a fight against Terrell Williams on October 17, 2015, his career was cut short. That fight lasted 9 rounds, during the first episodes, Colon was the favorite. In the middle episodes, Williams, took advantage, during the fight both boxers were penalized, where Williams gave Colon low blows, called rabbit punches, but in the 7th round, Williams, achieved something that no boxer had been able to do against Colon, which was to knock him down. In the 9th round, Williams, took Colon to the canvas twice and with difficulty Colon was able to finish that round; they took the gloves off thinking it was the final round, but it was not so. Colón, not coming out for the tenth round, lost by disqualification. Once the fight was over, Colón's mother tried to sit him in a chair and he began to fall down and vomit. His mother asked him how he was feeling and he answered: "Mommy, I'm dizzy and I can't see". For this reason, he was rushed to the hospital where doctors determined that the blows caused a cerebral hemorrhage that left him in a coma for 221 days, leaving him in a persistent vegetative state, the only thing Prichard can do independently is breathe. His mother cannot leave him, she only has a tube to feed him, and he has a colostomy bag for his physiological needs.


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Su madre se ha dedicado a cuidar incansablemente a Prichard, lo lleva a sus terapias con la esperanza y la fe de que su hijo pueda salir de esta situación tan traumática que esta viviendo actualmente. El amor, la dedicación y la constancia de una madre por un hijo nunca termina y que mas muestra de amor que está.

His mother has dedicated herself to tirelessly caring for Prichard, taking him to his therapies with the hope and faith that her son can get out of this traumatic situation he is currently going through. The love, dedication and perseverance of a mother for her son never ends and what more proof of love than this.

Toda la familia de Colón, siente y lamenta lo sucedido, rezando para que Colón un día no muy lejano pueda levantarse de esa silla de ruedas y volver hacer el de antes. Colón, a raíz de todo lo que ha pasado es privilegiado, ya que tiene a todos sus seres queridos a su lado, los cuales día con día ayudan a los padres de Prichard a darle una mejor calidad de vida y luchan incansablemente porque este salga adelante.

Colón's entire family is sorry for what has happened, praying that one day soon Colón will be able to get out of that wheelchair and return to his old self. Colón, as a result of everything that has happened, is privileged, since he has all his loved ones by his side, who day by day help Prichard's parents to give him a better quality of life and fight tirelessly so that he can move forward.

Quienes conocen a Prichard saben que este desde muy pequeño ha sido un extraordinario ser humano, un buen estudiante, excelente hijo y un gran deportista, el cual hoy en día esta atravesando un momento muy difícil de su vida, pero están convencidos de que todo va a pasar.

Those who know Prichard know that since he was a child he has been an extraordinary human being, a good student, an excellent son and a great athlete, who today is going through a very difficult time in his life, but they are convinced that everything will pass.


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Que triste, es ver que el futuro de este prominente boxeador tan joven, de 28 años y lleno de vida se haya truncado de esta manera, pero es un ejemplo de vida para muchos, porque a pesar de todo, logro cumplir y alcanzar su sueño mas anhelado, el cual era ser un boxeador profesional reconocido y admirado por muchos.

How sad it is to see that the future of this prominent boxer so young, 28 years old and full of life has been truncated in this way, but he is an example of life for many, because despite everything, he managed to fulfill and achieve his most cherished dream, which was to be a professional boxer recognized and admired by many.

Para mi, Colón tiene una misión y un propósito de vida a cumplir y hay que darle gracias a Dios porque esta vivo mientras hay vida, hay esperanzas y todo esfuerzo tarde o temprano tiene su recompensa.

For me, Colón has a mission and a life purpose to fulfill and we have to thank God because he is alive while there is life, there is hope and every effort sooner or later has its reward.

Prichard eres y seras una leyenda y un icono en el mundo del boxeo, tus fanáticos y tu familia oran porque te recuperes y vuelvas al Ring, para demostrar que nada es imposible.

Prichard you are and will be a legend and an icon in the boxing world, your fans and family pray that you recover and return to the ring, to prove that nothing is impossible.


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Prichard, celebro su cumpleaños numero 28, siendo un momento muy emotivo, donde hubo muchas lagrimas de parte de la madre de Colón, la cual lo único que desea y anhela es ver a su hijo completamente sano y que este le diga nuevamente: "Mamá".

Prichard, who celebrated his 28th birthday, was a very emotional moment, where there were many tears from Colon's mother, whose only wish and desire is to see her son completely healthy and for him to say again: "Mom".

Para culminar, puedo decirles que esta historia a pesar de que es muy triste les dará las herramientas necesarias para salir adelante y enfrentar todas las adversidades que se les presenten a lo largo de su vida. Prichard, eres un ser único, maravilloso, inolvidable, invaluable, perseverante, constante y fuerte que lograste vencer a la muerte y hoy en día eres un ejemplo para muchos. Esperamos que te recuperes y salgas adelante, ya que eres un guerrero. Vive y se feliz, te lo mereces.

To conclude, I can tell you that this story, even though it is very sad, will give you the necessary tools to move forward and face all the adversities that you will face throughout your life. Prichard, you are a unique, wonderful, unforgettable, invaluable, persevering, constant and strong being who managed to overcome death and today you are an example for many. We hope you recover and move forward, because you are a warrior. Live and be happy, you deserve it.

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