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Hive friends wherever you all are. I try to observe the little things. Those little things, if we really look at them, something big will arise that we might not have thought of. I am not discouraged by the photographic equipment that I have, such as this cellphone, which is a low type, but I found that my camera still exists to take small pictures, namely macros. What I observed were tiny ants

What I observed were the little ants and the shelters or houses they built, the materials for building the ant houses, using the sandstone and soil they brought up in the trees. What elements make white sand sticky and form like a building? Even though they don't use cement like we build houses. All of that has something more that is owned by the god's creatures. They are smart and have building experts, of course.

This is the sand they transport to build their homes. Maybe it depends on the type of ants and the shape of their house.

This time I also captured a picture of a fly perched on a small bamboo leaf. Because the first time I used macro mode on my cellphone camera. So, I was a bit shaky in taking pictures because they are very sensitive and talkative. Several times he ran scared and finally by controlling my heartbeat and holding my breath I was able to take a picture of him.

I think I'm starting to like taking pictures of small animals, not far from that I found a new object. It turned out that I saw a pair of black ants dating again in the cracks of the waxy grass. The pair of ants are enjoying this evening by making out like husband and wife. But I'm pretty sure that the ants are male and female, because I have fun watching their behavior. In my heart I mutter really they also need affection for each other.

How about your flowers there my friend @muhammad-nasri @tswandi @elchaleefatoe15 @syakieltenggo @justbabybee. My big thanks for @ecency, the most hive interface application that I use everyday.

My regard from me @yusrancag-21