The beauty of grasshoppers is truly amazing and very beautiful, friend

Well, friends who are active here, yesterday I went to a place where I got very beautiful grasshoppers and their oily skin is very beautiful, bro. My friend and I went to a place that my friend told us about. He said the place was very nice and there were lots of grasshoppers in that place, so I was interested in coming to that place. It turns out, friend, there really are grasshoppers in that place. I took some photo to share with my friends here. I hope you like it. The grasshoppers I saw had oily skin. I really like it, man. Here are some photos I took yesterday to share here which I think are quite good, bro ![](

oh yes bro, my friend and I went to that place, we were very happy bro, I took off my clothes, it hurt to put my clothes on the motorbike and be eaten by cows, really bad luck bro, but it doesn't matter, the important thing is that we got to that place safely and thank God I arrived at my destination.
That's a glimpse of my story yesterday, I hope my friends here like it and I'm also very happy to be able to share it with you here

So friends, I ask for support from all of you, so that in the future I can do my activities well again, bro, see you in my next post😊

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