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Look Who Visited Me Today

Look who decided to visit me today.
A daring jumping spider.

It had been raining all day yesterday so I went on the balcony to check on the plants and I noticed a little critter looking in at me through the window.

These little daring jumping spiders are very quick and hard to catch. Here you can see it has a little safety line web attached to the glass just in case it needs to repel off to safety somewhere.

I figured this spider would be too quick to try and catch so I slid open the balcony door and watered the plants. Little did I know it decided to go between the sliding door and get caught inside the seal.

HELLLP! I'm caught in the door seal....

Eventually with a lot of hand waving and using a tiny twig I coaxed it out of the door seal and it ended up inside on the carpet. There was quite a bit of hopping around and me blocking it from escaping out of view before I finally caught it. These little guys rarely bite so they are easily handled and they even get used to being handled after a while.

Once I caught it I let it go outside on my jade succulent. Now it can search for any insects out on the balcony again. It will hopefully guard against any mites or aphids.

I usually end up seeing one or two of these guys in the fall, for the rest of the year they are very tiny and take a while to grow. This one was large enough to be looking for a mate. Who knows maybe it will lay and egg sack and I'll have a balcony full of jumping spiders.

Here's video of one I kept as a pet a few years ago

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