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Butterfly Hunting in the Prairie

Here are a few butterflies I found in the prairies.
The first find was a tiger swallowtail.

This guy was really focused on the clover flower.

I never really noticed the yellow stripes on top of the legs of the tiger swallowtails. Usually I'm only focused on the color of their wings.

The next find was a clouded sulphur butterfly. A sort of lime green version of a cabbage white butterfly.

I saw quite a few monarchs out as well but this was the only one that stayed long enough for a photo.

There were also quite a few wood nymphs out. Most of them were in the dark and didn't turn out. This one was the only shot that turned out and shows a good example of their two eyes on their wings.

Next up is a silver spotted skipper. These guys are really common around here and are easily identifiable by their large white marking on the side of their wings.

Bumble bees were out all over the place as well. They seem to like these purple flowers the most.

This is the prairie area I went hunting for butterflies. All sorts of flowers are blooming right now and the light was perfect for trying to get butterfly photos.

Thanks for looking :-)