Beautiful Jumping Spider! First of 2021!

These little spiders are my favourite to photograph. Their large eyes really stand out!
Thanks for posing on the window too!

I'm not sure of the species of this particular spider. It hasn't reached it's adult stage yet, when males develop bold patterns or colours and the females develop eggs in a larger rounded abdomen. Hopefully, this one will stick around and I'll be able to get a definitive look at it in a few months.

On a rather warm day in February, the high was 19 C! Which was warm enough to prompt this cute little one to get up and start hunting for something to eat. The temperature has dropped a bit, so it may be dormant again. While they don't hibernate like mammals, many insects, arachnids and other invertebrates do over-winter by basically not moving.

3/4 Profile! Looks a lot more "leggy"!

I hope you enjoyed the photos! Click on them to get a really close look!

Do you have a favourite spider?
Maybe even a pet?

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